
Showing posts from November, 2010

Thanksgiving this year...

Has anyone else noticed that 2010 has been a bit of cluster, I mean a total cluster. The economy has fallen to hell, every person I know seems to have lost their ever lovn'g mind and it just seems like things are off kilter. I mean like the moon, stars and oceans are totally off. Every week something comes up that makes me question what is really going there some crazy kool-aid out there that everyone is drinking and keeping from me? And it seems in true form for 2010 the holidays will be no different. As usual, I am NOT looking forward to the holidays. I have a hard enough time keeping up with my daily and weekly stuff without throwing a bunch of hallmark crap in the middle of it. I don't cook so Thanksgiving does not tickle my fancy. The only highlight is getting to see my family and this year, that dream is fading fast. Plus we have to scramble around like idiots for FOOTBALL. I am still in football hell and Lance decided we needed to play on another team whic...