Thanksgiving this year...

Has anyone else noticed that 2010 has been a bit of cluster, I mean a total cluster.
The economy has fallen to hell, every person I know seems to have lost their ever lovn'g mind and it just seems like things are off kilter. I mean like the moon, stars and oceans are totally off. Every week something comes up that makes me question what is really going there some crazy kool-aid out there that everyone is drinking and keeping from me?
And it seems in true form for 2010 the holidays will be no different.
As usual, I am NOT looking forward to the holidays. I have a hard enough time keeping up with my daily and weekly stuff without throwing a bunch of hallmark crap in the middle of it. I don't cook so Thanksgiving does not tickle my fancy. The only highlight is getting to see my family and this year, that dream is fading fast.
Plus we have to scramble around like idiots for FOOTBALL. I am still in football hell and Lance decided we needed to play on another team which has a tournament on Thanksgiving weekend. See me blowing my face off.....I would rather have an actual holiday than have to run around like a freak over Thanksgiving.
As it stands now I have to work on Wed, drive to the country on Thursday to have Thanksgiving w/ Lance's dad and either drive back Thursday night or early Friday morning to make our first game on Friday. Honestly folks, why bother? My sister may or may not be down to my mothers, my brother may or may not be around (prob not), so my family will prob not be getting together for Thanksgiving. Lance and I are still a bit tense so the thought of not being able to see may family at all leaves me totally sad.
My mother called me the other day and said that she may go to the church to sever food, and actually out of all of my current options for the holidays that one sounds like the most attractive one. My spirit could use a boost and if I cannot have my version of a hallmark holiday then this seems like the next best option.
My small glimmer of hope for this particular holiday is that my dear friend Jacob, might come in for Thanksgiving. Seeing him would be good for my head and soul. Jacob will go with the flow and if we end up serving food rather than cooking it, he will not care.
I am sure at this point that christmas will be a bit of a debacle as well. And much like Thanksgiving I hate the work it requires to make all of the necessary rounds.
So as I bah-hum-bug through the holidays, I am so ready for 2011.
"Eat your turkey and shut your pie hole :)"


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