
Showing posts from 2011


I cannot believe that it has taken me so long to get my butt back on here. Actually I was in the middle of a post on NYE, while at work when the sirens went off and a tornado decided to came through the city. So in an effort to save my life and attempt to live just one more stinkn' day, I went to the basement and forgot about the silly post. New Years eve came and went, and so did new years day and now 2011 is in full swing. Actually the whole freakn' month of January came and went without much out of me. Swamped does not begin to touch the amount of work I have got to do. I just implemented an upgraded version of our payroll, we went web-based. I had two ladies switch jobs, I am installing new financial software and because I am a total crack head. I just went out to bid for NEW auditors. OMG. I think I might puke! I am working late, feeling like crap and burring it at both ends. On top of it all, Lance is STILL home and we are about to kill each other. I read somewhere ...