
Showing posts from March, 2014

Teenager in the house....

A teenager in the house!! The big 13, you are no longer in single digits, no longer the lonely 12 you are now officially 13. What comes with a being a 13 year old boy in my household. He continues to be my soft, gentle soul with a radiant smile and soft eyes that speak to your soul if you allow them too. He is gonna have these killer eyes that even make me half ass afraid for him. They are this green color off set by long brown lashes that drive your attention to look right at them. As a baby he had a big head, as 13 approaches he has grown into his head and carries it well on his long, lanky athletic body. He maybe 1 inch shorter than I am, and remind me every day that he as tall as I am. I get daily reminders that he is a teenage boy, by the arm pit hairs that have suddenly sprouted and taken over his body. And that weird shadow of hair that is suddenly covering his top lip. The stinky feet that take over my house when the football shoes are removed and Oder eaters that ar...

The midget & me...

Tomorrow the midget will turn 8! Wow, can you believe it - 8! It took me 5 years to have the courage to have the child, given our son's clefting and 50/50 chance we ran to have another 'genetic mishap.' Yeah thats the term they use to describe our son's clefting. Jerk faces! I held my breath the entire time I was prego with this child. We didn't find out the sex until she was born and my mother was so angry at me she could have spit bullets. She called me one day and had this to say...."Beenie I know its hard to hear, but I hope you don't have girl. I just cannot see a prety girl if you and lance have kids." haha!! Gawd love her! I must admit, it is difficut to determine what our children would look like and a girl was a total curve ball. Luck for us, she got some of our best features. How in the hell did she not get blue eyes? She has all depew attributes, thru and thru. At 8 she is kind, she is gentel at times, and stubborn as h...