
Showing posts from January, 2010

unsuspecting hero(s)

So working for a fire district has been interesting 'if' nothing else. As I get to know the guys and they become more and more comfortable with me, this one thing imparticular stands out. They as a whole don't want to be seen as heros. This struck me as funny. Little kids look up to fire fighters, men and women are grateful to them for saving their luv'd ones and their homes (if possible). And yet they don't want to be placed in the hero box. My response to one of them was just this 'don't be a dream killer. suck it up and move on.' As we continued our talk, it became evident that some where along the lines of being a fire fighter they feel that they are placed on a pedestal that does not allow them to be human or make human mistakes. Yesterday two of our paramedics lost a guy. You could see it written all over their face, the grief; but at the same time this is their job and they must move on. In speaking with one of the guys he stated, 'you kn...

finding others...

When I went to Europe and live in a flat with 12 other students I met a girl from Tulsa OK. Both being home grown and corn feed we migrated towards each other. I found her to be striking, she had bright blue eyes, naturally curly hair and cheeks that were naturally blushed. I luv'd that...on top of that she was easy to talk too, we had a lot in common, including our new found European adventure. During our stint in Europe we would take classes Mon-Wed and Wed afternoon hop on the train with our Euro-rail pass in hand and ride. Sometimes we would have destination in mind, other times not so much. The Euro-rail was like a ticket to travel heaven. So Wed - Sat or Sunday we would travel from country to country. Not knowing the language, not knowing how to read most of the signs and not knowing how to order off a menu - we were for all intensive purposes 'winging it.' We found ourselves in a hairy situation or two - and how we managed to survive and walk away with a good st...


OKay so I am firm believer in Karma.... I totally believe that what goes around comes around - maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow and definitely not as quickly as I would like at times. Being mindful of ones thoughts and actions is tough at times. Sometimes against all efforts and against all reasoning things happen. One day we wake up and things have changed. CHANGED. I used to be terrified of change, terrified of alot of things. Not so much anymore. I dont ' have all the answers, I ask alot of questions and still find myself swimming in a pool of self inflicted nonsense. Happens. So as I enter 2010 here are some things that I do know. It is okay fail, as long as u learn something I should have been 'nicer' to myself 10 yrs ago I don't have to have all the answers, but I am working on it - ha!! For every tear you shed you find a reason to smile In lou ' of all of the nonsense I have been truly blessed I am so glad to have siblings and a best friend fro...