
Showing posts from March, 2010

careful what you wish for....

Work has been stressful lately - I have been putting in 12 and 14 hour days. My husband and children feel abandoned and I feel quite frankly run down. Last week I had my 2009 audit, a team of 4 was on site for 5 days. OMG It is hard to prepare audit work papers for a year I did not work through. I did not officially start until July. Luckily the auditors were patient with me, and have been here 2 years prior, so they had some direction. It was hard for me professionally to not have the answers, not be totally prepared - I just don't function that way. We will have some follow-up questions and documents, but the week of hell has come and gone. At least that is what I had thought until 2:30 on Friday, when my payroll person decided she has had enough and next Friday is her last week. This news has left me breathless and barely able to breath -um, say WHAT. SAY WTF? This person is due to retire on May 6, so once my audit was over i was going to spend the next 30 days up her crawl...

hello from the flip side...FL

Where to start.....right now I am sitting at my grandmothers lap top, in her office surrounding by her stuff and photos of family thanking god I am here. Two days ago, me n' my sister loaded up the car and left St. Louis around 6pm and began our 14 hr trip to Tampa FL to see my grandparents. This is the weekend for 'us' to celebrate our grandparents. (us - a combined unit of cousins; 6 of us are here and several others could not make it). My grandfather is in the local VA hospital refusing to eat. We knew we must come and celebrate his life while we can, plus we needed to see my grandmother. Me n' my sister loaded up and took off only to realize a few things. 1) we had no idea where we were going. um, minor detail. We got the address via a text from my aunt and attempted to type it into our nifty GPS system. We hit the highway and still did not have an offical route to follow, because I typed the wrong state in the GPS. Well not technically the wrong state, I just ...

Glutten for punishment...

Holly hell batman, I think we have been drinking the 'crazy kool -aid'. Over the weekend we bought an 11 wk old puppy - bulldog puppy. We were not and STILL are not prepared.....what the hell is wrong with us?? March is here and I am gearing up for an audit, extra work since I've been assigned to two add'l committees, both my kids have birthdays this month, and well what the hell a new dog. Oh, yeah almost forgot, one of the ladies in my office has decided to light at the end of the audit tunnel has now turned into HELL. The reality of my payroll lady leaving has me a bit panicky. Oh yeah, and we bought a dog. Tank, the bull dog. Tank, who sounds like ' tink ' when Pyper tries to say it. This morning had me swirling and whirling from trying to figure out how to fit this new puppy into my morning routine. Needless to say it did not go well. We bought the dog a kennel, which still at this moment sits in my garage in the box it came in. It woul...

picture day...

Okay so this morning, I forgot it was picture day for Rylan . I knew it about two days ago, when it read the little yellow slipp in his back-pack. And well, I have slept since then and got sidetracked and by today I flat out forgot. That was until I got to the babysitters and one of the kids so politely remind me. I looked at Rylan and cringed, I was not going to let him get his picture taken today lookn ' like that. I packed him up and made him go home in change, which as usual came with its own emotions from my little almost 9 yr old. Needless to say he was pissed off. flat out, down right mad at me. I decided to eat it, well for about 5 minutes. Then I got mad back at him and started to pull out the 'if you don't get over it, I will take this away or that away.' I know classy parenting. I got my parenting skills off the back of a freakn ' milk carton, what do you expect. But for real, I just needed him to change his darn shirt and put a some gunk in his ha...