15 and then some....

Well so it begins, DRIVING!! Can you freakn' believe it!! Yeah, yeah and more yeah! I am so excited for this darn kid to drive, i cannot stand myself. I have been letting him drive now for years. Don't get all twisty, not on highways or anything major. But we do country driving. He has been driving and riding 4 wheelers since he was 4. I think being comfortable before letting him hit the road is necessary, and well sort of my job. Well probably "our" job and out of the either Lance and or I - I am the better driver, so I get to teach. haha! Don't get me wrong, I prefer to go fast, speed limits are just a recommendation - unless you are passing through Burns Mill, then just mind the damn limit, bc they sux! I've never gotten pulled over there, but they have someone everyday, and their territory is not no bigger than my back yard! I have been asking Rylan for weeks now to just drive random places. He has always told me no! I always respond ...