18! Here we go!!

Ohh dear gawd we made it to 18! Que the music, Que the balloons, Que the tears, Que the drinks n streamers eight freakn' teen is here!! Senior Graduation is HERE! Excuse me while I turn up the music, jump for joy, hit the bottle, and hug this kid till his arms fall off! Then I'm gonna turn right around and send him on his way, out into the big world. Get ready world here he comes. So I said something to Lance about planning a graduation party for Rylan, and his response to be me was "you don't get a party for doing something you are expected to do, YOU are expected to graduate high school." Well, clearly he can kick rocks. Another gentle reminder of why we are divorced and we see each other in small spurts. This time last year we were bracing for jaw surgery, emotions were running high as Ry was letting me he didn't want to do it, Im telling him he has too. His dad is telling me to wait another year. Blah, blah, blah. Guess what, we had surgery, i...