
Showing posts from 2020

19 and then some...

With the chaos of the world today I am not sure where to start.. Its interesting to me that I remember being pregnant with you when 911 hit, I was driving into work at a software company in Ladue when I heard it on the radio. I was already so terrified about having a baby, let alone a cleft baby and now a terrorist attack? I remember writing you a letter and placing it in your baby book for you to read when you turned 18. I read it when we packed our stuff and moved out of the house you grew up in. I read it and I cried, tears of sadness, joy and just an overwhelming sense of love. From the beginning my son, have been a great source of compassion and love. You have been a fighter, in a fight you didn't even know you had to fight. You became an example to friends and family, and example of strength and compassion - you never even knew you were setting the tone. You became a baby of a generation of families breaking apart, parents broken on the inside and trying to find ...

The midge is 14 !

We have migrated from the days of needing me to rock you to sleep, wipe your butt and wipe your tears to her telling me to stand next to her 10 times a day because she swears she is taller than me. For the record she is not, but she is close and perhaps in 6 mths she maybe. When did all of this happen? I have taken the this whole parent thing in stride, basically I am winging it and there are days I am terrible at it. There are days when I wonder whose kids are these and when are their parents coming to get them? Hence, here they are still staring at me daily asking me to be their mom. And I show up, being a mom without a a handbook or real guidelines. I am a mom that has found her self saying she is sorry more than not. I am the mom that hates teenage girls most of the times and wonder what purpose they serve at times other than to remind me that I too was this age and perhaps an asshat. Then I am reminded that teenage girls are stuck in a world of being told they need ...