All Good n' the Hood...

Hello peeps,
It is has as usual, been a while.
I am not sure what has gotten into me and why I don't just take the time to put a few things out here.
It looks like last time I wrote Lance was still out of town.
Well since it has been almost a month since my last post, he has made it back safe n' sound.
And n' true relationship form, we were fighting with in 24 hrs of his return.
-Since his return we have been to the ER twice with my son. Who was as it turns out constipated. Which left me with a big WTF? How can a 9 yr old be constipated? Well, apparently my 9 yr old was and it required two visits to ER to get some relief.
- Next we decided over Labor Day to take a trip to Branson with the kids. We were totally winging this trip, so we left Saturday with no agenda and no idea what to do or how to do it. But we got there and we made the best of it. We went to Dixie Stampede and Silver Dollar City. So our Branson trip was like a mini-vacation. Which we all needed. But in true relationship form by the time we made it half way home, Lance n' I were not talking. To the point that I got in the back seat and let Rylan sit up front.
-The past weekend we went to visit his father in the country and attend the battle of pilot knob then scoot our butts back to the City on Sunday for muddy day of football.
- Pyper has started with a new care-giver 'Mrs. Debbie' and whenever Misty ask's her how that is all going Pyper responds with 'Mrs. Debbies sucks.' OMG. Mrs. Debbies does NOT suck, but it has been an adjustment for my 4 yr old princess.
- Rylan has been slacking on his school work and we have had to give him the smack down the past two weeks. Dear heavens they tend to give kids alot of homework these days. I am not sure how many families get it all down.
- I am as mental and crazy as ever. Working the 2011 budget for work, dealing with personalities at work and just trying to keep my head above the water is a challenge.
- Lance for the most part is fine. He has been working on and off since he got home. But nothing major has hit for him. Which at times plays a total mind job on him and our ability to relate to each other.
- Sept 23 we celebrated our 10 yr anniversary. One would think that 10yrs should warrant some BIG celebration or even dinner. Well, we went to work n' football. Yeap folks that is what our life has boiled down too. At this stage when we are just trying to survive the daily nonsense we decided it was best to keep it all to a minimum. Hopefully once things get better for us we will do something to celebrate it. But then again who knows.
-My family seems really distant and divided which is totally weird for us. We have NEVER gone with such long stretches in not seeing each other and not keeping up with one another.
- That is all that I have for now........I have a ton of photos to share, but cannot get them off my damn camera!! I am trying everything from downloading a new driver etc. So hopefully next time I will have photos to share.
Otherwise we are, as you can tell, all good in the hood :)


Farrell said…
Glad you are still alive.
Surviving at least!

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