Today we celebrate Pyper - this girl is 17!!!  

Hello 17!  Gosh darn where has the time gone child!  You have grown and changed so much over just the last year.  Inside and out you continue to grow and meet each life challenge and situation with smile and at time tears.  You are my watery Pisces to the core - filled with a soft version of love that embraces and haunts you at the same time.  You are so watery and spicey its hard to tell where one ends and the other begins, but it is a great combination for you and your sassy butt. 

You love with dreamy eyes and a heart so open it invites everyone in, by the same token you hurt to the point it makes you cry for days and exhaust your head and heart.  

You are attempting to teach me to be softer when it comes to the tone of love, relationships and the heart.  I thank you for that - I don't always understand your tears and days upon days of it, but in the same manner you find such joy in the same items that sustain you from the inside out. 

 You love the idea of love, you love the idea of such dreamy friendships and relationships.  The years have clearly hardened me, and as I now attempt to comfort you and raise you in this next stage I am not sure who is teaching who.  

17 looks good on you as you continue to find your way and find ways to be comfortable in your own skin.  Always challenging me in the worst and best ways.  The most recent is your continued conversation about wanting to wrestle - which in true Pyper fashion - despite my continued NO - you will find a yes.

And in this continued push back- I see myself and curse and smile as it unfolds.  To the point that you just completely circumvented me and had your dad sign the consent form.  *I would have done that -ugh.  

Sometimes we try to protect the ones we love from things even we don't understand - thank you for having the strength to go after the things you want.  It will serve you well.  It may break your heart a time or two, but you will never walk around with a version of "I wish I had done........"

Nothing is more calming than when you smile and laugh - even at the dumbest things. 

But your laugh and smile light up a room and soften even the hardest heart.  The world needs this day in and day out.  The world overwhelms you at times and yourself talk continues - I pray that you don't let it harden you.  I cannot save you from the lessons it will teach you, but I can be there to always offer you a place to lie your head and heart.  

Charge through 17 like you have your entire life - on your terms, wild smile, hair blowing, and chasing the sun, mud, good friends and family.  Today we celebrate you little one.  

Happy Birthday - Love mom


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