Week from Hell..
First of all let me say I am sorry to my son Rylan - 'sorry, for your week of hell!'. This past weekend we had a family wedding to attend, it was a nice party. Lance and I got dressed up, ate, had a few (too many) adult beverages. We did bring our kids to the wedding and an hour of the reception, then they were carted off to the baby-sitters. So the week from hell started on Sunday. We call this the 'recovery' day. I was mindful of Sunday while i enjoyed the wine at the wedding, Lance on the other hand threw caution to the wind and Jose became his best friend. So at 6am, when Pyper got up, I struggled to get out of bed and search for the coffee and aspirins. Then 15 min later Rylan followed. Lance as usual was no where to be found - that is not true, he was sprawled out in the guest bed, with drool traveling out of his mouth. So being the good wife that I am, I scooped up the kids and went to grandma's (next door) for coffee and donuts. The game plan was go to the w...