
Showing posts from July, 2007

Week from Hell..

First of all let me say I am sorry to my son Rylan - 'sorry, for your week of hell!'. This past weekend we had a family wedding to attend, it was a nice party. Lance and I got dressed up, ate, had a few (too many) adult beverages. We did bring our kids to the wedding and an hour of the reception, then they were carted off to the baby-sitters. So the week from hell started on Sunday. We call this the 'recovery' day. I was mindful of Sunday while i enjoyed the wine at the wedding, Lance on the other hand threw caution to the wind and Jose became his best friend. So at 6am, when Pyper got up, I struggled to get out of bed and search for the coffee and aspirins. Then 15 min later Rylan followed. Lance as usual was no where to be found - that is not true, he was sprawled out in the guest bed, with drool traveling out of his mouth. So being the good wife that I am, I scooped up the kids and went to grandma's (next door) for coffee and donuts. The game plan was go to the w...

Will I Ever Really Be Happy.....

So we are in the middle of re-financing our home. This is the home we bought 5 years ago, with every intention of moving within 3 years. In the mean time we have added a new roof, a new air unit, a new bathroom etc. Now it needs new windows, new siding etc..... Our intentions were to move because it was not centrally located. The location has not changed, I still want to move. It appears as if it is easier to re-finance than move. We must refinance because we had an ARM with our current loan - we did the ARM because we were planning on moving. I am not convinced the plans have changed, but I am also not convinced that we won't hang out another 3 to 5 years. So the 'reasonable' thing to is to refinance....or is it? Why not just bit the bullet and move - two reasons. Kids & Kids. Our son has friends in the neighborhood and he is going into the first grade. The lady who watches my daughter is one block from my house (can it get any better). Is it reasonable not t...

Where did the Weekend go..

I woke up this morning cursing Monday's as usual. My weekends are NEVER long enough. Our weekends are packed full of traveling 2 hours one way, alot of extended family time and not a enough time at home. It seems like the only thing we get accomplished is keeping the gas tax funded. We travel 85 miles one least twice a month. So, Rylan stayed with my mother and his 5 cousins this weekend. He was pooped by the time we finally made it home. Pyper only stayed one night with my mother and she too was exhausted. My mother had 8 kids (12-1yr) at her house this past weekend. She took all of them swimming - god love her :). Lance and I went floating and aside from tipping 6 times it was a great day. Yes, we rented a canoe. The river was packed!! Teenagers as far as the eye could was a great day for the park patrol. They handed out tickets like they were candy, at the same time they packed up the beer and other beverages. Poor kids. I remember the days when you could actu...


Well this is my first 'blog' - my springboard into the 21st century! I must admit it is a bit 'scary', actually posting my thoughts, ideas, and experiences for the masses to view? um... Now that I have overcome my fear, I am attempting to format my page, so please know it is a work in progress. This has felt like the longest week of my life.... for multiple reasons. 1) I have an 18 mth old baby that refuses to sleep anywhere but next to me (UGH!). She starts out in her bed, then by 2 am, she has made her way in the middle of my bed. Which might not be so bad, if she did not insist on snuggling right up next to me so she can play with my hair. She considers it playing, I have chalked it up to a rare form of torture. I keep telling myself she is only little 'once'. Plus, no one will notice the bald spot. The light at the end of my tunnel - my mother is going to keep my kids Saturday night, so my husband and I can do something fun!! *(note) I thin...