
Showing posts from August, 2007

What? Is anyone sane?

Things have been so weird I am not sure where to start. As you know I have been planning a trip to Arkansas this weekend - actually today, which turned into tonight. That is right, as of this moment I was suppose to be 1/2 way to Arkansas, instead I am at work. Why, because plans change (and people are crazy!). My mother is SICK - I mean super sick. She has been sick all week. We (me and my two kids) were suppose to ride with her and my father in their mini-van. As of yesterday, I decided not to ride with them, because my mother is sick. Why would I place my kids inside of a mini-van for 6 hours (one way) with women who is sick? I wouldn't, so I am not. So, what to I have lost my ride. I decide I will drive myself and my two kids (alone). DH has baseball tickets and is not coming. The thought of this is daunting. I would rather gauge my eyeballs out then attempt this. But in the spirit of family - family going ( my sister, her husband and their 4 kids, my mothe...


I wake Rylan up to get ready for school....he lays sleepy eyed in his bed and says 'Mom, is today Thursday?' He has a smirk, so I know he is playing around. I respond 'Yes'. He smiles and bellows 'No, you don't your days of the week.' ha! He is in first grade and loves to think he is smarter than all of us. Me - 'why?' Rylan - 'because, I want to know when it is Friday. Because I don't have to go to school. You know, because we are going to Arkansas to see U. Matt. When does our plan leave.' Me - ha!! Plan. What makes you think we are riding a plan? Rylan - we always ride in a plane. Like when we go to Texas. Me -Oh. Well, no plan for this trip, we are driving. We are riding with Nana, Pa, and Courtney. Rylan - YEAH! How may hours is this trip? Me - too long. about 6 or so hours. Rylan - Yeah!! Me - get out of is Wednesday and we still have two more days to go before we pack up to head to Arkansas. Rylan ...

Doctors - I may need one.

Monday, ugh. In case you don't know. I HATE Mondays. Friday we spent 5 hours at Children's Hospital - it was Rylan's annual review. We saw the plastic surgeon, speech therapist, psychologist, ENT, pediatric dentist and the nurse. In our infant wisdom (stupidy) we decided to bring our 18 mth old daughter along for this 5 hour ordeal. Reminder - next time leave the other child at the sitters house. The dentist is 'amazed' at how quickly Rylan has lost and received his 'big boy' teeth. This statement perks my interest. What exactly does this mean, I ask. Well, it means now we can be ortho treatment. I my mind i hear 'cha-ching$, ching $. We need to schedule an appointment with another doctor so we can be in placing extenders in his mouth to prepare him for his bone graph. UGH. Fine, I take notes, while Lance wrestles with Pyper in the corner. Doctor # 2 - plastics. We discuss the surgery what it entails. I am sure I turned green - I felt sick. But I kept sm...

Going, going - GONE

The title - that is how I feel these days. I have been going, going and now I am spent. Rylan started school Thursday. Ahh, his first day of First grade. How exciting. He woke up, later than usual, because I let him sleep in. He states ' am I late?' No 'I let you sleep in, because I am going to take you to the bus stop today.' And with that our day began........... Rylan ate a breakfast of champions - 1 egg, cereal and a Yahoo!. Pyper ate her usual yogurt and an egg. Then walked around with half a banana. Then we moved on to getting dressed. We laid our clothes out last night, so this was a no brainer. Cardnials shirt, new shorts, new shoes, new underwear. Blast, I did not lay out the socks. (note to self - next time put out the socks too!!). Rylan get dressed and comes into the room where I am putting on my make-up and I half gasp --- Mohawk hair spiked, red cardinals shirt, camo shorts, white shoes and blue socks with Stitch on them. BLUE socks. I as...