
I cannot believe that we are in OCTOBER really folks where has the year gone?
I missed blogging about my son's first day of school, Pypers first day at her new baby sitter, my work, my family etc.
I feel like I have neglected you...and perhaps I have. There just don't seem to be enough hours in the day; and frankly when I get some down time this seems like the last place I want to spend my time. But then again I find myself wishing I would have written a few things here n' there.
So here I am the second week of October, semi touching base :)
I have photos galore at home, which I need to get on this site.
Everyone is doing well, gearing up for fall and Halloween. We luv Halloween at my house. Pyper wakes up everyday asking why we have not had the party. For real girlfriend, it is not time. It seems like creativity is lacking in the depew household for Halloween - Rylan once again wants to be a football player and Pyper wants to wear the dress she wore last year. So ta-da we are done with the customs.
Rylans class is going to have a party, Pypers new school is going let them dress up and have a party and as mentioned above Pyper thinks the party is everyday.
Halloween is going to be a good time this year in the DePew household.
All in all things are well. Me n' my sista are keeping in touch on a pretty regular basis, my mother is busy as a bee and Courtney my niece is growing in leaps n' bounds. And in true form she flunked her drivers permit test twice -blahh! I think Misty flunked hers too.
The holidays are fast approaching and I am not sure how we will survive them again this year, but I guess we will do what we have always done - just wing it.
Lance is still not working for the most part, he rolled the list last month which sucks. This means he forgot to call in, check in or whatever it is he is suppose to do - and now he is back at the bottom of the hiring list. OMG! Seriously dude, you are killing me. Then we got notice that he has not worked enough hours and they dropped his insurance. Hello double whammy. Luckily I carry insurance through my work or we would be screwed!! I keep dropping hints that perhaps it is time to hang up the whole union gig and find a real job. At this time he ignores me; but for real folks we cannot do this much longer - lets get a clue! So at this point the union really is doing nothing for us, and I am sure that we are not alone is this boat.
My job is keeping me busy as usual, and honestly I don't mind it because there are times when it is hard to just go home.
I spoke to Lance about going back to school, enrolling in culinary school - ANYTHING. He called about culinary school and said that they only start out at $25,000 and he would rather ride the books. Okay kids, lets do some elementary math - if you are making NOTHING vs. $25,000 seems pretty easy to me. Then he started to make excuses about the hours he would have to keep etc, etc. Okay fine, so that is off the table- but what now???
Well time will tell.....the future has to hold something brighter than the dim light that is shining right now. But all in all we are happy n' healthy.
Oh yeah, last night we got invited to play in the turkey tournment so we will be playing football into Thanksgiving - oh joy (NOT!). So our holiday will be consumed with football. We will see, hang on for the ride :)


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