follow the bouncing ball....

Well look at me, two post in one month - I am feeling like a rockstarr!
(well not so much).

I use to post 3 to 4 times a month - or even more. I have had alot of things on my mind, and have found that history shows that perhaps there are times when I should just not put it all out here. Even IF i really want too. So color me all grown up - or just taking my first class in maturity.

In the mean time, we are STILL playing football which most of my family LUVS and I continue to curse. Ohhh curse you football - every freakn' Tuesday / Thursday night for two hours and then every darn Sunday for at least two hours. But god luv you my son, my son the athlete. Seriously, that damn kid has some skill, well as much as a 9yr old can have. There other moms will go' hey Michelle - THAT WAS YOUR KID' I find myself tearing up with joy. Then cursing the kid that tackles him. It is a group affair at football, because to be honest when they are all out there it is hard to tell them apart. And only when on breaks away or does something cool does it REALLY catch my attention. This year I have learned a few more terms, a few more moves and Pyper has decided that she MUST cheer next year. And I have decided that they really need to sell adult beverages at all games and practices :)

So all is well on the football front, as much as I hate, I luv how much confidence it gives my son, how it challenges him. You can see him figuring out the play and see him going to get it - full speed ahead. Just like in life, he is going to 'get it' and be okay.

Speaking of my son, which I have neglected to so very often. He is a HAIR bag, I mean totally growing out his hair. This damn Justin Bieber, I curse you and your new hair trend. Get a darn hair cut. My son's hair is so long it sticks out below his football helmet. I thought the mo-hawk was bad!! But NOOO - nothing compares to this darn long hair. ick! Which by the way my LUV's.

And just one more tid-bit about this little 9 yr old kid that has part of my heart. You know the part that he stops on in his 9 yr old sassy way. He made straight A's!! Yes folks, straight A's in the 4th grade. I expected A's, B's, and maybe a C. But here he goes surprising me again with straight A's. So I must curse football and long hair under my bad breath - because at this point he is calling the shots. So give me a moment as I burst with pride.

I cannot go on and on gloating about one child with out pointing out a few good items about the other. Give me a few while a make up a few good points about Pyper -ha!! Just jokes.

This kid, well, she started a new baby sitter which has preschool circulium. She is rocking thru it all with flying colors as well, and even coming home saying how much she likes the new place. (whew!!). She too is growing in leaps in bounds. But I will be glad once she is no longer butt high, because at this point I know my butt is big. I don't need her to point it out every time she is behind it.

Lance n' I are still a bit shaky. Not sure where to start or where to go. We both agreed we must work on our communication or this is going to fall apart at the seams. And today he admitted how much not working is totally messing with his mind. It is consuming him and totally bringing him down. So out of the blue he has decided to go back to school to be an EMT/Paramedic.
No, no that is not a typo and I am sure you are just as stumped as I am.
Seriously kids, within the last four weeks we have gone from culinary school to EMT school. Totally random and totally out of the blue. Hell, I don't even think he likes people - let alone want to save them; but what the hell do I know at this point? Put a few careers n' a hat and pull one out for all I care. So I 'think' he is signing up. Rule number one, if you have to practice sticking people with needles - I AM NOT your person. This still is so darn random to me, but if it gets him a job and gets him motivated then I am all for it!!

So folks following the bouncing is all over the place these days!


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