Out of the blue.....

I got nothing really.
A head full of nonsense, and random thoughts that keep me up at night.

Thanksgiving was a bit of blurr. I did not get to see my sister or brother that day, but in a gift from god, got to see both of them the day before. It was a totally shitty day, rain, cold and flat out gross. I was running late, because I had to run the kids to BFE and I was not at my desk for more than 15 minutes when I get a call from my sister.
And much like late night calls that put you on high alert an early morning call from any family member other than my mother can only be bad news. Well, low and behold - not bad news.
She was on her way to the airport and wanted to know if I wanted to tag along.
She got a call that my brother was flying in and he needed someone to pick him up.
Things are a bit tense for all of us right now - not worth throwing out there all the gory details, because within in time it will all blow over. But tense none the less and I can assure that with my brother flying in to see his family, his two sisters are not the top people on his list to see the moment he gets off a flight.

However I am giddy to the bone.......I look around my desk and the pile of work and throw caution to the wind. I state 'sure come by n' get me, I'm in.'
I hang up and start work damage control, I just got in - I am leaving in 10 or so minutes, and I must be back within an hour or so. I have a big lunch meeting that I have to make. I am starting to question whether or not I can really pull this off, then determine that I cannot afford not to. Not if I want to see my brother n' sister.

So she shows up and away we go.......to the airport, giggling the whole way. We pull up to the arrivals and find our bro and you can see the surprise on his face to see me in the car too. We dance around a few topics and decide to move on to things that keep us in a good spot, like kids and when we were kids. On the way to take me back to work, we decide to eat, therefore spending another hour or so together.

It was a time for us to just be us. Matt calling Misty 'shorty' like he normally does and the three of us glad for a moment to be in each others presence. For me it was very peaceful and easy. We shared a few moments of smiles and laughter, I took them to my work did a few introductions and then we said our goodbyes.

It reinforced for me that a sibling bond can never be broken. We may all have separate lives, different personalities, and different opinions on most topics - but our bond is deep. When you remove all the other elements out of our lives, our parents, our spouses, our children and peel us down to just us - we are kids again enjoying the bond we created years ago. We can see each others worry, struggles, joy and pain without saying a word. And then realize that in some cases words are not necessary. That it will ultimately be okay. We accept each others failures, choices and even if we don't like them, we are learning to respect them. Even if we have to do that from afar or with distance.

Much like that day, I think each of us know that if we ever needed each other we are just a phone call away. No questions asked. It can be pure and simple, just love and a sibling bond. I am beyond grateful for that day and those moments, I needed that small silver lining to get me through.
My day was designed to be shitty, started out crappy and by the grace of god ; ended better than I could have ever imagined. So even though we did not spend Thanksgiving together and may or may not see each other over Christmas; we have an understanding.

So I wish that on that day that seems like it is gonna suck the most, that you find your silver lining. That god delivers to you the pretty package with the bow, when you least expect it. And on those days when the silver lining does not appear you have a memory like mine to hold on too, the kind that makes you smile.


Farrell said…
I'm sorry you are struggling but hang in there and appreciating the little moments is good for ALL of us to remember:)

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