20 YRs Later...

I can hardly choke out the words, 20. You are 20! 

 Like on purpose.
 Like we made it, both of us. 

 You were my first and my learning curve, every error and success you have been a part of for the last 20 years. There are have plenty of tears, but I hope you look back and recall all the joy, adventure and laughter. I hope you can look back and see a foundation of faith, love, support and hope. I pray you see the importance of friends, family and building a foundation that brings you support and joy at all twist and turns.
We no longer have to have discussions of surgeries or walk the halls of children's hospital. 
 We no longer have to see the orthodontist once a month and let a team of 6 pokes you. 
 We no longer have to hold our breath about what is next. I know this journey has been stressful and beyond frustrating at times, but dear god you have not idea how inspiring it has been.

 When I think of warriors and the things they are made of, you funnel to the top. When I think about how amazing the human body is and how it heals and can be pushed to it limits - I see your face. And every time you are smiling. In every recovery room you smiled first thing. In every healing process you smiled. After every football game and getting the crap beat out of you, you smiled.
Your smile lights up a room and your laughter will welcome everyone to relax and join in.
 You are not the loud one, not the aggressive one, but the LION that sits in you in fierce. 
 You are the silent warrior, the best kind. 
The unassuming kind that make you feel safe and protected by your presence. You come from a family of loud and a touch of crazy. You leave the loud to everyone else, but will raise to every occasion with grace and gratitude. 

 I know this last year or so has been full of so many changes. Changes we could have never imagined. And most of them you don't like but decided to ride with ride with me regardless. We sold our house - which you would have stayed in forever. We moved into an apt, which you hate - but tolerate. We will move again, once I decide what I want to be when I grow up. 

 I know you loved that home and I hope you know that regardless of where we land, it will always be home.
This past year you yourself have encountered so many life twist and turns and I am starting to learn to just trust the process and know that the universe has you.

 It sees you it supports and you can never it get done nor do you ever get it wrong.

 You were adamant in letting me know that school was not for you, and yet in my MOM mode, I tried to make you believe that it was. My not listening to you was my fault. 
 So in true DePew form in line at Thanksgiving to get turkey, you turn around and let me know you are not going back. 
 And your exact words were " you cannot make me". 
 And in my complete stubbornness and mom mode,I honestly believed that could Make you. 
 It is funny now, but I am proud of you for doing YOU at all times. You stood your ground, you let me yell, pressure, call you dad - attempt to make him make you and all along you just said NO. 
 The parts of me that sit in you will make me crazy and proud. May you always be so prepared to just do you.....
As you and your sister grow up I am always annoyed to my core and entertained by you two.
 I know a 5 year difference seems like a lot but you two make it seem seamless. 
 In your typical sibling relationship, but when push comes to shove - much like me with mine, you two will always have each other and support each other with a level of fierceness that only siblings can understand.
 I am still not sure why you two fight over the trash vs. the dishwasher but I will always be entertained. I hope you two always find a way to smile and enjoy each other.
So as we continue on this journey of life and all its crazy curve balls, i am beyond honored and thrilled to be your mom. 
 Thank you for choosing me and teach me how to be a mom and a better person daily. Bring on your 20's, they should be the best most adventurous part of your life! 
 You are loved beyond words by many and you are supported, so lets do this!! 
 Happy 20th Birthday my son!!!


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