Guess who is 15 today!!!!!

To day is the day we celebrate the midget. Which is hard to say now that she is almost as tall as I am. Daily she stands next to me to remind me that she almost there. 15! What a big year for you. What a big year for all of us as we continue to transition into this new life of ours.
I drag you to happy hours, travel adventures, day trips, work adventures and family and friends. You transition so well with all the movement in my world and I could not be prouder of you. You travel between my house, your dads and Katies on a weekly basis. Having 3 places to land, acclimate to and attempt to call home. 3 different beds, 3 different rooms and 3 different houses to transition into, and you do it with such ease and grace. I have tried to fill your space with people to love you, make you laugh and when needed protect you. I have tried to fill your space with strong women, who hustle and smile at the same time. I have tried to fill with your space with men that will make you laugh, be entertained and feel safe - help you believe that good men really do exist.
Within the last year I moved you out of your house of 14 years and now I am quitting my job and going to subject you and your brother to my next life adventure. As I make my way through this life of mine, I hope you know that you don’t ever have to stay in places that make you feel small or shitty. Not friendships, not relationships and not jobs. I hope you know that it is more frightening to stand still in places you don’t belong than to trust the god and universe to carry you to places you didn’t even know you hoped for. Your smile and well being matter, and on the days you cannot find it, I hope you turn to me – because I have a pocket full of smiles for you.
Having a daughter scared the holy living bee-geeze out of me. And even to this day you and I could not be more different. You and your hair and your make up – you are the girl that has always scared me to death. I am sort of a dry shampoo, try to remember deodorant and min make up girl. You are the maintained eyebrows, Ulta loving, bath and body spray (make me choke) girl! For the luv of pete stop spraying it in the car! 15 is big, we have periods, we have boys, we have side eyes and bad taste in music. We have lay in bed in eat days, drop me off at the mall days and now the I’d rather hang out with my friends than come home days. You will always make the day brighter with your smile and laughter. There is no one else I’d rather drag through the twist and turns of this life than you and your brother. Thank you for being a great kid, and on the days I am not sure who is raising who, thank you for rolling with it all.
I hope you have the best, seeing friends, family and just turning 15. The sun is shining, your smile is bright and day awaits. I love you! Love always mom


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