Halloween Re-Cap

Halloween 2009, was a success at the DePew household.

Rylan was a football player with blue hair, Pyper was a Princess that changed twice.

The photo's here are of her first dress, I did not get photo's of the second dress (it was too dark). Prior to actually walking the neighborhood, she decided that 'I dun't lik'y ths dress.'' Therefore she took it off in the front yard. She refused to wear custom until she saw the other kids running around dressed up. I was afraid she was going to be the kid that did not dress up, but I was wrong. Once we got in the swing of things she was a true champ.

I don't normally dress up on Halloween night. I wear jeans & a sweater in order to walk my kids around. comfy is the attire. My biggest accessory are eyelashes, as seen below. I wore these to work, and to Rylan's school party.
The weekend before Halloween I had all of the kids over the for the night, here they are gathered around the kitchen table, we are getting ready to decorate cup-cakes. I fear they all may have eat'n too much icing.


Lisa said…
LOVE the eyelashes. Cool!

Your little princess' outfit is cracking me up! Cuteness overload.

Looks like it was a great day for everyone.

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