Pet(s)....for kids

Okay, so we broke down Sunday and went to the pet store. Actually, we went to two different pet stores looking for the 'right' pet(s) for the children. Pyper was pretty easy, we figured one Beta and she would be good. She seemed enamored by the goldfish that once resided at my sisters house in a small glass bowl. By enamored, I mean she could not keep her fingers off of them and loved to look at the 'nemo's' swimming about. So in return we bought her a Dory, which she refers to as 'blue ishy'. I am surprised her blue ishy made it thru the car ride home. She had that ishy all over the place - up, down, sideways and doing circles in the small take home container - just in an effort to catch a quick glance of him. She was thrilled. * Can you tell she is excited??? Prob not. That girl shows NO emotion - ever. ha! Rylan on the other hand was no SO easy to please...he was the reason we went to TWO pet stores. First we wanted a lizard - only until mom fo...