Halloween 2009

2009 Halloween was a success at our home. Rylan decided to be a football player for the 2nd year in a row.
Pyper decided to be princess with football player make up.
Because once she saw her brother with the make-up out she HAD to have some too.
Pyper had been telling us and everyone she met that she was going to be Snow White, which was fine - we have two dress up Snow White outfits. As you can tell, she did not end up being Snow White, she decided to be her version of 'Bell' (from Beauty & The Beast). Well, more like Bell the football player.
This was the first year that Pyper really 'got it'. She carved her own pumpkin, she dug out all the goo and luv'd the finished product.
At the same token, Rylan seemed rather bored with the process. Half way thru his arm got tired, his eyes hurt - blah, blah, blah.
This was the first year, we did not stay home in our subdivision. The kids got more crap and candy than they will ever eat, none the less.


Farrell said…
I love her twist on the typical princess gown!!

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