This year.

I keep trying to remind myself to count my blessings this year, to take it all in and remember the good.
This year has been a REALLY, REALLY tough one, and it seems like it gets worse with each phone call or knock at the door. Last week we had to attend the funeral for our 20 year old football coach. This event rocked us to the core. My son is sad beyond words and my husband even put a suit on. We had only know Kyle and his family for a brief time, but it felt like a lifetime. We spent a lot of time together over the past few months. The loss of Kyle has left us with a lot of sorrow. Lance and I continue to remain close to his father, step-mom and brother - all a constant reminder of what a great guy Kyle was. We spent last week getting food together, going to the viewing, going to the funeral ect. All of these events came with their own level of emotions, and helped to place some items in prospective.

Last night we get the news that our babysitters brother was in a car accident and is in the trauma/icu at a local hospital and is refusing treatment. Our sitter is sad beyond belief. Her brother Chad is a main stay at her home as he attempts to complete a messy divorce. My children refer to him as U. Chad. We we were not super close, but close none the less and once again our hearts ache. Chad continues to refuse treatment and signed a DNR, at 31 yrs of age he signed a DNR. I just got a call that he has a fever now and won't let the doctors review and attempt to fix his spline which they think is torn. By not fixing a torn spline the toxins could seep into his body and could kill him. At this point he has left strict instructions that the doctors are not to reset his collar bone nor are they perform surgery. His only sister is on the verge of losing her brother right before her eyes. Painful does not begin to describe the sound of her voice, her heart is broken. And with each passing hour that he refuses treatment the worse the situation becomes.

As a sister my heart hurts, and this encourages me to reflect on my situation with my siblings.
I luv them dearly and just hope when it really matters that they know. The same with my husband and kids, I hope when it really matters - they know.

Both families could use warm wishes and prayers. Praying for strenght, wisdom and healing.


Farrell said…
You really really DO deserve a MUCH better 2010.
Farrell said…
Also: makes me feel extremely GUILTY for the "cranky" post I just published because NONE of that stuff was Important in the Big Scheme of Things.

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