
Showing posts from December, 2008

Is it over YET (2008)

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All Jacked Up...

Whew, it is over.....time to wipe sweat from brow and thank our lucky stars that we all survived. Even with all of the drama leading up to the holidays, they turned out WONDERFUL. My family got together, my kids were great and Lance's dad came out to my mothers with us. My mother had close to 37 people in her house this weekend, it was SO nice to have everyone so close. We ate, drank, laughed and shared another holiday together. Santa arrived at my mothers house around 7pm. All of the kids were SO excited, Pyper would not leave the guy alone, she was enamored by Santa. Rylan on the other hand, walked up to me, pulled me down to his level and whispers in my ear 'mamma, I know that is my papa.' I look shocked, then a big grin comes across my face and I respond ' then tell me why papa is standing behind me with a camera.' Rylan's face was so surprised, he looked at my dad, back to santa - in a state of shock. um. Maybe santa really does exist. *At least for th...

Laughter - it helps

I hate Christmas.......I think it is too much fuss for the event. I feel overwhelmed ever year - even thought I tell myself I won't get carried away, and I won't allow the pressure to happen again. Well guess what, once again this year I failed. I was luck enough to get a tree up, but we failed to put lights up outside. We just could not get to it. My son pointed it out to us once again last night "You know dad, we STILL dont' have lights outside." Lance and shrugged ' yeah, we will try next year. This year we will drive around and look at everyone lights instead.' ******************************************* We did begin to shop and wrap early, but once again I failed to get it all done. And as of today (um the 22nd) I am STILL not done. ************************************************************* We wake up this morning, and find a wrapped gift on our door stoop from our neighbors. Don't get me wrong, I understand it is a NICE gesture - it is a box o...

Christmas photo - really?

Dear heavens I bet I have 40258354575673 photos of crap....... We had pouting, we had crying, I tried to bribe her, we had milk, I even offered to paint nails. PLEASE just one freakn' photo. For christmas, I mean for gosh sakes I even got a tree. That's right see the tree in the back, I got a pre-lit one on sale (half off), and stuck that baby up in an hour. I am sprinting for the finish line and of course the kids won't cooperate. Well, Rylan will - he always does. So in true form Pyper will not. Did I mention that I put the tree up and put ordnament's on it, well a few anyway. Only to have Miss Pyper take them all off, then she started to cry 'chsssmas was all gone. why mommy, why?' I look at her like she has three heads, all the while a red star is attached to the leg of her pajamas. In my mind I am thinking 'hey crack-head, you are the reason Christmas is all gone. Leave them alone and it will look like Christmas .' But rather I stated, 'you sho...


I apologize in advance if this post rambles or just does not make sense. I was home yesterday, lying on the couch and visiting a doctor. An hour later I left with 3 prescriptions - so today, I am loaded up on the drugs. My head is hazy, my eyes are twitchy - but the green gunk is gone. I did file with the EEOC, they send the complaint directly to the city attorney - I am waiting on a response. The EEOC told me it would be after the first of the year before any further action is taken. um....nothing like waiting. In the mean time I have fired up my resume and started sending it out, pressed my suites, and found my high heels. I may need them in the near future. I figure the IRS will always need people, even in a recession. I am not looking to be the boss, just some job security. This weekend, hubby and I are going to knock out our x-mas shopping. Which should be interesting - we NEVER shop together for x-mas. This will be our first year. My sister is going to keep my kids sat da...

Any day now....

I am a pathetic mess these days. I know it has taken me ForEver to post, part of me just didn't want to, and part of just couldn't. It seems I have so much to say, but alot of it just seemed like nonsense. Work is work, at the moment. I am taking my time and trying to get all of my ducks in a row. This is a process, and maybe a LONG process. *Nothing like fighting for your job in the middle of a damn recession.'s what I know. Over the weekend my best childhood friend came over for a night with her two girls. Her drama made mine seem like a cake walk. Her life and struggles are hard for a person to imagine. We sat around the table Sat night and joked, 'we could make our millions by writing your life story.' I sat there at my table feeling really blessed and thankful for my family, my husband and my life. Even with all of the work crap, in the scope of things I am okay. My girlfriend called me and asked if she could come over with her kids, ju...

No going back.

My heart is heavy, my emotions are on overload. Will this EVER stop? Yesterday, I spoke with an employment law attorney. Today, I spoke with the EEOC to file a complaint. This afternoon, I am being spoken to by some upper mngt , so they can provide me with the level of discipline action that has been set in place. um.... Discipline for what? We will soon find out. Funny how when the meeting happened to discuss 'me' I was not allowed to attend. Funny how when a male counter part was spoken too and disciplined, he was allowed to attend, speak and defend himself. Funny how a special meeting was held off site in order to speak with a another male counter part in order to discuss with him how inappropriate his language was towards women during his senior staff meetings. The held the special meeting in order to avoid having an open discussion. Funny how is am being disciplined less than 60 days after a formal complaint was filed against one of the men speaking to me today. Which ...

Home maybe???

Well, we made it back Sat night around 9pm. Which is ideal, we like to have Sunday to relax and recover. Our trip was 'fine', nothing to terrible to report. On our way to the airport Pyper decided to puke all over the place, we had to pull over on the highway to change her, and attempt to clean up. YUCK. We could not find a car-wash, so my car sat for 7 days with puke. GREAT!! I threw away her travel outfit, which was covered in puke. What were my options really? Keep it and travel with a plastic bag of puke for 5 hours to El Paso. um, NO. Keep it all in the back of my car, in a plastic bag, with the gross car seat? um, NO. The trash can seemed like the best option. The only good thing, she had plenty of changes of clothes in the car, a suitcase full of stuff. So, I rode to El Paso smelling like kid vomit. Day 1, good times (NOT). Day 2, while sitting Chili's having lunch Lance reached over to get Pyper something and knocked his full beer in my lap. Great! We were...