Home maybe???

Well, we made it back Sat night around 9pm.
Which is ideal, we like to have Sunday to relax and recover.

Our trip was 'fine', nothing to terrible to report.
On our way to the airport Pyper decided to puke all over the place, we had to pull over on the highway to change her, and attempt to clean up. YUCK.
We could not find a car-wash, so my car sat for 7 days with puke. GREAT!!
I threw away her travel outfit, which was covered in puke.
What were my options really? Keep it and travel with a plastic bag of puke for 5 hours to El Paso. um, NO.
Keep it all in the back of my car, in a plastic bag, with the gross car seat? um, NO.
The trash can seemed like the best option. The only good thing, she had plenty of changes of clothes in the car, a suitcase full of stuff.

So, I rode to El Paso smelling like kid vomit. Day 1, good times (NOT).

Day 2, while sitting Chili's having lunch Lance reached over to get Pyper something and knocked his full beer in my lap. Great! We were traveling to NM that day, so on day 2 I smelled like beer.

Well that about sums up my trip.
The highlight - the weather was nice, close to 70 every day.
I am glad to be home!!!!! More to come later.


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