Two of my favorite reasons to take some time off! Well that was the plan, but it did not quite work out that way......at least not today. I went to work at my NEW place for 7 hours - sort of training. I woke up this morning, took a deep breath and was actually relived that I did not have to return to my old job. I mean it felt like a big weight had been lifted, I even smiled. Which is big these days. Normally I would blame it all on PMS, which is haunting me - but not today. I did not realize what a drag my old job was, and how toxic the work place was until I didn't have to drag my happy ass there. I am sure my new job will have its own hurdles, I will struggle in the beginning. But I am beginning to feel that the move is TOTALLY worth it. On tuesday some of my co-workers threw me a happy hour - I did not show up. Tuesday was my last day on site, I did not want to see everyone after work. It felt pretty shitty...for like a milli second. Leaving my old ...