Tooling along......

Well, things are hectic, but normal these days.

Our schedule is panning out a bit. Practice has been cut down to two days a week rather than three - thank god! A schedule has been posted and our game on Saturday is at 10:30. YEAH! 10:30 I might actually get to sleep in past 6:30 am. However the game is in Hillsboro - do they not have games in STL?

Everyone was glad I made it home Wed afternoon. And after an hour of being around, they were ready for me to go away. AWAY. Apparently, I am stressed out, PMS'ing, and being a BIZ-Nitch. I thought things were normal. ha!!

The conference went well, and I thought I used my time wisely - networking.

I met a few people - such as the Mayor / City Admin from Desloge, Mayor of Pilot Knob and exchanged cards with a few Mayor's from around the City.

I attended the conference with several staff members and aldermen from the city I work for. They are not much fun, actually they are NO fun (and that is putting it lightly!). For the most part they are either fake, obnixous, old (act old), don't drink, don't smoke (what do ya' do? - ha!!).

I tried my best to make it a worth while trip. This weekend is filled with football, rain and a wedding. As normal we will drive to the country and back, which thanks to Ivan will cost an arm and a leg. Keeping my fingers crossed that a new job drops in my lap.


Anonymous said…
OK Michelle I live in Desloge, who is our Mayor? Aunt Deb
Anonymous said…
OK Michelle I live in Desloge, who is our Mayor? Aunt Deb
Michelle said…
The Mayor is David Kater.
I know you live in Desloge, the two men from there was a total trip. The City Admin use to be a DJ down there, now he runs the city. He was funny, witty and god help you-ha

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