
Showing posts from November, 2007


Well it is Friday and I am glad it is here. I am looking forward to staying home this weekend and lounging around in my own home. I went to blockbuster last night and picked up a few movies anticipating crappy weekend weather. I figure we will watch movies, put up the tree (maybe), go to church and stay in our pj's for most of the weekend. The couch will be my best friend and the recliner will host Lance. Our children will wonder between the two of us, providing hugs-n-snugs when the they feel like it. I am not a football fan, never have been. The main reason is - I don't know all the rules and it drives me nuts. They spend more time throwing flags and calling 'calls' that make no sense too me. This is the same reason I protest soccer. In college I dated a soccer player and attended all of the games, froze my *arse off and never understood a damn thing (other than a goal). My son spent two years playing youth soccer, it was a blast to watch - but once again I did not un...

Aliens have taken my husband...

Last night was 'weird' as usual. You would think I would be use to it all by now. I did grow up with my mother - who is beyond weird at times. Perhaps I was attracted to Lance because he was more like my mother than my father (*what a creepy thought). Anyway, I am just wondering when Lance started wearing ladies underwear and being hormonal? *(he does not really wear ladies underwear - but if he did I would make him wear a thong, so he would really know what butt-floss was like). I got side-tracked. Last night Lance was REALLY serious, and talking. Both aspects are not like him. He does not get serious about much of anything nor does he talk without being prompted. He was serious about work, more particularly his new job. Apparently with this new job is going come new responsibilities -duh! He commented ' I just want to work Michelle, not do the paperwork too'. My response ' too damn bad, welcome to growing up'. Lance he looks at me his face all crooked - '...

Three F's -

Food, Football and Fun - the F* word that rhymes with Duck is a side- barr to the whole weekend. So this one will be a long on, due to the 4 days that I need to catch up on. Wed I leave work early and go to get my eyebrows waxed and go shopping. I walk out of the salon with little to no eyebrows, WTF ? Mind you I had eyebrows when I arrived and now I look like those old ladies that must pencil them in. OMG . Thanks lady. Shopping was not successful, it was rather boring and I prob should have just stayed at work and not burned the hour of vacation time. I get home and we decide we are not going to the country until Thur morning, then an hour later we decide to actually pack up and head down to the country. You would think we were bi-polar, who's leading who? So we pack up coolers with food, suitcases, coats , gloves, etc. We packed up 1/2 the house. The plan was to stay with his father for Wed night only, and then spend the rest of the weekend at my mothers house. We never left ...

Retail therapy?

While I was driving into work today, I became overwhelmed with everything going, school, kids, husband, babysitter, holidays etc. I am saddened that this year 'my' family has decided once again not to get together. Everyone is scattered, and not because they have to be. As my thoughts continued I wanted to cry. Then I felt stupid for crying over something so silly. Perhaps I PMS is sneaking upon tends to make me emotional. We will be spending the holiday with Lance's family - his dad and extended family, because Nancy just passed and his dad really needs the support. Normally we travel to Lance's house and then end up at my mothers house - a two family holiday, just the way I like it. On a normal thanksgiving my mother dressed up in some 'period' dress and begins preparing the feast. Her house is frantic and hectic trying to prepare the turkey, ham, side dishes etc for her family of 30 to 40 to arrive in spurts. My sister arrives with her kid...


Okay, so it is just around the corner.....and as usual I am frantic, because I need the drama (I suppose). Lance and I will both work up until tomorrow. The kids are off school after today, so the kids will be nice and wound up for the ride down to the country. When we get home tomorrow night we will being our ritual of packing - this ritual causes my head to spin and angry words to shoot out of my mouth at any given moment. This ritual causes me to HATE everyone and everything. So perhaps I will try to get a bit of packing done tonight in an effort to ward off 'angry' mom syndrome. Lance in typical Lance fashion has offered to cook/prepare the Turkey. We picked up a 20lb turkey and scanned (our) his cook books for the 'right' ingredients. He decided to brine the turkey (what ever that means). I would have settled for dialing Dierburgs and just picking one up to feed 23 people. He will hear nothing of it. While shopping for the turkey he decided he wanted to ...

Weekend - hair, photo, movie...

This weekend we FINALLY stayed home and it felt like a 'real' weekend. I did nothing on Saturday but lie around until 1pm. Ahh. Friday night Lance and I went out with his boss and his wife. *the wife also baby sits my kids. This was our first time hanging out. It turned out to be fine. Lance had too much to drink and felt like CRAP on Saturday. Saturday we all slept in and lounged around in our PJ's until we had to get out of them. I left dirty dishes in my sink and did no do one load of laundry - it really was a wasted day, but a good day. At 1:30, lance and rylan went to get hair cuts - we had a 3:30 family photo and Christmas cards. We have not had a family photo since Rylan was 6mths old - we really needed one. While they are gone, I shower and put Pyper in the tub. It will take me at least 2 hrs to get all of us ready. Rylan returns and he has cut off his mo-hawk, he is MAD. 'Now I look like everyone else' he spat at me. I am so proud of him for ...

Timmy is weird...

Okay so last night was a pretty standard night in the DePew household. We all sat down at the dinner table, and I began asking Rylan about his day. The questions out of my mouth are always the same: 1) How was your day. 2) What was for lunch. 3) Who did you play with? 4) Did you get to go outside. I ask these questions, because it helps me feel intact with my sassy 6 yr old. His answers are pretty standard: answer to question 1) fine 2) I forgot 3) Morgan, Ben, big Taylor and little Taylor 4) yes. Well, last night was a bit different. His day was - Great! (um). * he uses one word answers like his dad. He had a burrito for lunch, and suggested we try them for dinner sometime. He played with Morgan, Ben, big Taylor, little Taylor and Timmy- and Timmy is weird (see face squinting and eyes rolling). No, they did not go outside, but he did play in the gym, it was free time. Me - Timmy is weird (notice the hair on my back standing up, I HATE mean kids). What makes him weird? Ryl...

Santa Sucks the life out of ME.

I walk into Walgreens last week and what do I hear - Christmas music. I about fall over. NO!! It is too early for this crap. I don't hate Christmas, but I hate having it crammed down my throat. Each year it seems to start earlier and earlier. Before we know it, Walgreens will start having trees placed on their top shelves right after the 4th of July. So over the weekend, we were once again the country and I was at my mom's house, surrounded by Halloween decorations. It looked like someone threw up and all that came out were Halloween decorations. My mother had a couple of blow up, animated things in her front yard, things on her windows, crafts around her house etc. Mind you, my mother does not have any neighbors, nor does she get trick-or-treaters. So this is 'madness' is for her pleasure. On occasion her 6 grandchild do visit and enjoy the animation. But for the most part, the stuff is just for her, my father and my 12 yr old niece. Not much of an audience. I did not...

Cont' - Halloween & Party

Okay so I finally got the photo's back from last weekend. I would consider it all a success. The kids were happy, I am sure the sugar kicked in. I was able to get a few good photo's at my sisters party. We are hoping for a nice slow weekend - keeping our fingers crossed.

Overview - this past weekend.

This weekend was JAMMed packed and full of drama and fun. Friday night we had a reception at the Bevo Mill to attend. It was dress-up night at our household. I (in true girl) had two dresses picked out. I ordered one, and while I was picking up the gift that afternoon I grabbed the second one. Lance liked the one I ordered from (VS) and I liked the one I grabbed off the rack. Lance said the one off the rack looked like a pregnancy dress. It did flow a bit. I left the house in the flowly dress and went to pick up my mom. My mother, also in true girl form had 6 dresses in which to choose from. So when I arrived to pick her up - she changed and so did I. ha! Neurotic , I know. Morale of the story two new dresses I now have to return. I arrive outside to get in the car with Lance and he just shakes his head. He is use to dealing with me. ;) The Bevo Mill was a 'fine' time. I wore terrible shoes, they looked good, but sucked. As most shoes do. I tried to drink m...

My sister

I miss my sister - there is said it! She is not dead, she is alive and well. I just miss her. I have been so busy going to the country over the last 4mths that I have not gotten to spend any time with her. She probably the one person who knows me the best. I called her today and began crying - at first I called because I was 'mad' about something, then by the end of the call I was reasoning with the fact that I just missed her. I was not mad at all. Things I remember growing up with her.... We are 2 yrs apart. Me and my older brother would put her in the dryer at the laundery mat while my mom did clothes. We would steal her favorite blanket, just to watch her cry. (then we would get in trouble). We had to share a room/ bed for 12 plus years. We would fight over the middle of the bed. We would grind elbows until they were bruised rallying for that small space on the other side. We would have food, perfume fights. We would play dress up. In jr high we really did not get al...

Activites....will I survive??

This weekend is JAM packed. I was hoping since we were actually staying home this weekend, that we could have some down time. Well, no such luck. I need to leave work early today so I can get some things accomplished prior to getting home and preparing to leave. I have to get a wedding present, birthday present and a baby shower gift. T's the season. I am REALLY excited about tonight, my girlfriend from college got married in Oct in Mexico, and now she is having a reception tonight in town - at the Bevo Mill. A historic site in STL . Plus it is a cocktail party, so I get to get dressed up. I bought a new dress, I need to find pantyhose and shoes today. In order for DH to join me, he has to wear a shirt and tie - he is more of a jeans and Tshirt kind of guy. But I 'think' he will break down and dress up a bit. Plus my mother and sister are suppose to join us. It will be so nice to be surrounded by my friends and family for a happy occasion. Tomorrow night is a surprise p...