
Okay, so it is just around the corner.....and as usual I am frantic, because I need the drama (I suppose). Lance and I will both work up until tomorrow. The kids are off school after today, so the kids will be nice and wound up for the ride down to the country.
When we get home tomorrow night we will being our ritual of packing - this ritual causes my head to spin and angry words to shoot out of my mouth at any given moment. This ritual causes me to HATE everyone and everything. So perhaps I will try to get a bit of packing done tonight in an effort to ward off 'angry' mom syndrome. Lance in typical Lance fashion has offered to cook/prepare the Turkey. We picked up a 20lb turkey and scanned (our) his cook books for the 'right' ingredients. He decided to brine the turkey (what ever that means). I would have settled for dialing Dierburgs and just picking one up to feed 23 people. He will hear nothing of it. While shopping for the turkey he decided he wanted to try his hand at cooking ducks. I shot him the 'what' look. YUCk. I give him the *I don't like that face. He continues to ignore me, and picks up 2 frozen ducks. quack!
So last night I have a meeting (6:30pm until 11pm) - and on the way to work lance calls me and tells me to scann the food network for a few ways to cook up duck. Once again I let him know I am not happy with the whole duck adventure. He does not care - get on line and bring some options home. So here is our list of items to bring for dinner.... 20lb turkey, 2 ducks, 1 apple pie (which I am making), greenbeans ( I am also making), cranberry sauce ( I am also making). So my car will be packed with two kids, luggage, and food. OMG. Then we will need to arrive in enough time to prepare and cook the food. I see disaster written all over this one.
If you see us on the news it maybe something similar to ' Husband stuffs wife's head in turkey cavity (butt) in order to SHUT her up and regain control of the kitchen'.
Have you ever seen Gordon Ramsey - the cook (Hells Kitchen, the F factor etc). Lance runs his kitchen much like that...I am a tad bit stubborn (*just a tad), I fear conflict. And why on gods green earth am I too prepare anything? Punishment? I have never cooked a pie - not a real pie. Frozen yes, but not from scratch. The only thing I do from scratch is scratch my butt - ha!!
Plus the cranberry sauce will be from scratch - OMG. My head is already spinning from the idea of too many pans on the stove and no idea what to do.
Lance is ready for the holiday and really looking forward to it, it is all right up his alley.

*A trip down memory lane. Several years ago -prekids, Lance and tried our hand at cooking a thanksgiving dinner. It was just the two of us and we were still in dating mode. You know when we still REALLY like each other. We had recipes for everything. Sage turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy from scratch, wine and beer. Needless to say the whole ordeal took at least 4 hour to prepare. Prepping the turkey, pealing potatoes, etc. During the 4 hours we spent our time drinking and preparing, by the time we were done with dinner we were too smashed to even enjoy it. We laughed so hard at ourselves and the feast we had prepared and not even enjoyed. We knocked on a few doors and shared it with our neighbors - who thought we were crazy and or drunk. I will forever cherish that thanksgiving. Praying for good times, good converstaion and safe travels.


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