Better...but not great.
So last night the fever finally broke. She was fever free to most of the night and into the morning- yeah!!! She is snotty, and icky - but we are giving her an over the counter medicine for that. Did I mention that the medicine is gross, and makes her gag. Yeap, it gags her and then she pukes. NICE (not). So last night I give her the medicine at 8pm, give her a milk cup and rocked her to sleep. I go to lay her in her bed, she has a coughing fit and puckes right in the middle of her bed. I am once again changing sheets, pillow cases, and Pj's. Yuck, yuck, yuck! *Did I mention that once i changed everything I just placed her in my bed. We will be starting from square one next week. But on the bright side, the fever is gone. Another bright side, hubby took off today to stay at home with her. Out of the blue, without being prompted -I wonder what he wants.....! So today Lance and Pyper are having a culinary affair, Lance is cooking Gumbo and Clam Chowder for the weekend. Rylan is looki...