Weekend - what to do??

So the weekend is 'almost' here.
Lance and Rylan are headed to the country tonight to see Lance's dad. I have opted to stay home with Pyper. We will stay home for a few reasons.
1) Pyper is still not sleeping all night, and we have to share a bed with her at Grandpa's house.
2) Since grandpa lost his lovely wife this past November, he is less tolerant of my screaming two year old. Actually, I think there are times he wants her to just go away.
3) I don't feel like packing to go, I have housework and laundry calling my name.
I 'think' Lance & Rylan will leave this evening, therefore they will be gone two nights. I will try to persuade them to stay tonight - I secretly hate to sleep alone.

Sunday we are planning on attending the dog parade http://www.mardigrasinc.com/2008Events/Beggin-Strips-Barkus-Pet-Parade.aspx in Soulard. Weather permitting* we go every year.

We won't have our own dog this year, but it is a blast to watch all of the animals (mostly dogs). I have seen cats, a camel, geese - all walk in the dog parade. The wiener dog races are pretty fun. My kids love this parade, plus we have friends in Soulard right along the parade route. Friends living in Soulard is nice, because we have a place to stay warm and go potty.

This year Lance and I are going to Mardi Gras- we have sitter, and I have booked us a room downtown (so we dont' have to drive :) ). Keeping our fingers crossed that the weather breaks for Sunday and next weekend. A photo of our last Mardi Gras together.

Tomorrow Pyper and I may go hang out at Boarders or the play area at the mall. She is not a shopper, and is a bit terrible at almost 2. None the less we will need to get out of the house....
Anything going on around town?? I am open to ideas for a Saturday afternoon.

On good days we venture to the Soulard Farmers Market http://stlouis.missouri.org/citygov/soulardmarket/, but once again I fear it will be too cold to get food and play on the playground. um. Here's praying for warmer weather.


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