
I feel like I have writers block, which is funny because I am NOT a writer.

I am not really feeling very motivated these days, perhaps it is because the winter cold has frozen every living brain cell. I am swamped at work, which is nice, it does not give me time to think about how cold it is or wonder how things are going to proceed with the EEOC. Work has until tomorrow to respond directly to the EEOC then the ball will FOR REAL start rolling.

Luckily, my desk is covered in 2009 budget work, year end work, and audit schedules.....color me a dork. All of this work makes me happy, from start to finish, I can see me getting things done - and a sense of accomplishment takes over.

The task on my desk seem to be the only items I have control over these days. My kids are testy, Pyper is almost 3 and keeps me guessing everyday. Rylan is almost 8 and getting sassy. Lance is still working for his 'old' company; which is weird, but as long as he is bringing home a check, I won't complain. He is also on 2nd shift, which means we don't' see each other at all - by the time I get home he is gone, by the time he gets home - I am in bed. grrrr.
Feeling blocked once again, so I am signing off.....we will see what tomorrow brings.


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