New day?

Bad news bears!
Some of the men in my know anytime you walk in a room and see this scene it will be trouble.
(Travis, Ronnie, Matthew, Joey and Murphy. )
Whatever was said, I am sure it was funny, and foul.

My mother really did have a house-full on x-mas. Just the way I LUV it. Here we have kicked the kids off the couch so the lazy adults could drink & talk.

Here 'we' are x-mas eve at my mothers. Left to Rt: Ronnie, Matthew (my brother), Misty (my sister), Me (head tilt?), Murphy. We all have reasons to smile, health, kids, family and drinks! Believe me when I say, if you plan to attend a get-to-gether with us - bring your kids and your favorite drink. We will be all smiles after about 1 hour.
attire note:*Do you see that small (okay big) hole in my tights - this was my sisters response to that. 'Oh, you must be a working girl.' classy! *funny, it made me laugh out loud. She really is foul at times, and I luv her for that. Her, and her 'nice' wife-beater tank top. :)

As proof that I don't really beat my kids, here they are all smiles last night. I am heading out the door to go to a night meeting, I grab the camera to download some photos prior the meeting and Pyper (as usual) wants her picture taken. How could you not take a photo of that.....I mean really. Everyone was asleep when I got home last night, and all smiles this morning. Chalk one up for the good guys and keeping a 'normal' schedule.
Everyone keeps asking me 'how are things?'
My response 'I dont' know what have you heard?'
They seem puzzled by my response.........


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