
Well, it was a relaxing weekend. I am HAPPY to report. I took the time to unwind, soak up some sun, and spend time with my family.
We had football on Saturday, and we won 28-0. With each passing win the ego's get bigger. I am not sure who's head is bigger my son's or dear ol' hubbys. All I know is that, they both cannot fit thru the door at the same time, because their heads take up too much room.
Saturday afternoon / night we took some much needed down time. We stayed home, took naps, bbq'd and hung out on the back porch until close to 10pm. It was good for our soul and mental attitudes.
We woke up Sunday a bit refreshed. We tackled the inside of our home, and moved to the outside. The house now looks like we actually live here rather than a foreclosure. I mean for REAL, we had weeds growing everywhere, smudges on the windows, and trash lids sitting next to the cans. I must say, when we take the time, we clean up nicely!! Around 3pm, we loaded up and went to the pumpkin patch. The kids had a great time, running thru the corn maze, riding the hay ride, and riding the pony's. Pyper rode the pony and luv'd it. She was waving to everyone like she was a beauty queen, then she would bend down and pat the horse on the neck. I was amazed. This child has no fear, and a fondness for animals that never ceases to amaze me. As usual she was the center of attention.
Rylan picked out the biggest pumpkin he could carry. The rule in our home is ' only pick it out, IF YOU can carry it.' Because mamma' ain't carrying your pumpkin.
From the Pumpkin patch, we continued the family fun with a trip to Fortel's Pizza Den. Yumm. I forgot how much I enjoyed their pizza. It was well worth the trip.
After that, Lance did not want to go home - which surprises me, after dinner he normally wants to lounge in his chair. So instead of going straight home, he drove around, taking any road he happened upon.
This sidetracking lead our son to comment ' dad, what are you doing? You know you are wasting GAS.' I glanced over to Lance and smiled. *that damn kid is too smart.
Lance responds ' Well, I am just checking out a few places we have never been.'
Rylan 'You mean like the suburbans. Why do we keep looking at the suburbans?'
Lance and I look sideways at each other suburbans - what the hell are those?
Then it dawns on us 'do, you mean the suburbs??'
Rylan ' yeah, that is what I said. Not rural, but Suburbans.'
From the mouths of babes.
All the while, Pyper was crashed out in her car seat. The pumpkin patch was good to us.
I have photo's for later this week.