Uncharted territory:

Gosh where to begin...
Perhaps we should start with the weather. Yesterday was BEAUTIFUL, my body, mind and soul need the spring. Today we are expecting sleet and snow again - WHAT the HELL.
Plus the anticipated snow days, dear god, our kids will prob have to go until mid-june at this rate. Did I mention that Rylan has several days off this month, plus a full week off for spring break. ugh. Normally we take spring break as an opportunity to actually get away. But not this year, spring break is early, and it is smack in the middle of my busy season. So we may take a long weekend and go somewhere with the kids, get a hotel with a pool and attempt to make the best of it. Normally we head to Texas this time of year, which is normally good for my disposition. It looks like we will take our Texas trip in the heart of summer - where we will burn our arses off.
I have meeting tonight at 7:30, therefore I in theory will be out in the muck tonight, cursing the snow gods.
Today, I switch brokers for our insurance at work. I have 10 days to do the impossible-find adquet insurance for myself and the employees. And within those SAME 10 business days I must complete our audit, our auditors will be onsite next week.

On the weekends I must pull off a birthday party - Pyper is turning 2. Then we have Easter, when did Easter sneak in to March? Right after Easter we must plan Rylan's b-day party. See those 10 lbs creeping up on me -that is birthday cake.

Today I also got a phone call from my last job, asking me if I would consider coming back. I am torn, I did not leave on bad terms, I left to advance my career. I loved the people there, I know the work - but I also have been making strides here. um. With everything I have on my plate at the moment, I don't want to get bogged down in the 'what if's'. But I suspect that I may be called with a 'real' offer in the next week or so. What to do, what to do? To be continued.............


Anonymous said…
omg, I recognized your and your sister's crews immediately as going to the same church as us. So cool! How I didn't make the connection ... durr, me.

Rylan is always one of my favorite singers at VBS. You and your sister have such good-looking families.

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