Freakn' Friday - TGIF!!

Okay, so I am moving a bit slow today. NOT super slow, but slow none the less. I left the bar last night around mid-night and got home by 12:20 (not bad). I laughed so hard last night that my face still hurts today. My tummy hurts and I don't know if it is from the drinks or the laughing (perhaps a bit of both). Last night was good for my was a great time, up until the band started. My extended family was less than impressed with the band.....they should have stayed a bit longer, the second set was much better. Either that or the drinks started setting in -ha! I would explain the evening and the topics of conversation, but they were a bit rated R or more like triple XXX. Bottom line, keep it lean and clean down-stairs ladies - and as we found out last night, there are some of us that STILL think o'natural is OKAY. um, not so much. Enough said. ********************************************************************* Did I mention that I was not even home 15 minutes and ...