Country for sure...

Here are some shots from this weekend in the country...

All dressed up and no place to go, but the court house.

Rylan getting ready to race in the sack race.
The Tractor Parade, and a local kid.

My mother. Yes, MY REAL mom. When I tell you she is crazy, you should believe me!!

Here are the girls.......getting ready at my mom's to go to the courthouse. My mother has been gathering outfits from local yard sales etc. The girls Luv'd getting dressed up.

* During my walk this afternoon with Pyper we see a woman in her yard with her dog. Pyper in her little two year old voice yells 'Hi!! Hi Dog.'
The lady looks up and smiles, and waves. Pyper waves back and says 'Hi cow.'
I walked a little faster.....and will no longer go that route.


Lisa said…
Oh my gosh! That looks like it was so much fun! Cool pics! Darling young ladies too!

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