Random Friday...
Rylan, yesterday getting ready for school.......at first he is rockn' out - to the voices in h
is head (no music was playing). Second, he is checking his folder to make sure his papers have been signed off on by mom and/or dad. Luckily, we do our job and we do homework every night for approx an hour, and we sign off that we read a book, did math and practiced spelling words.
A side view of Pyper's belly. I couldn't help myself. Last night, as usual the kid took her clothes off and she was standing beside the fridge, playing hide-n-seek with her dad. You could not see her face from the side of the fridge, but her belly stuck out past the side. It makes me giggle, it is soft, round and full - just the way we like'em. Nice and Happy.

Here she is trying to give me a kiss, before leaving for the babysitters. This is one of our better mornings. Hugs-n-Snugs.
This Saturday I am going to accompany my mother, aunt, sister and niece (12 yrs old) to the My Chemical Romance concert at the Pageant. That should be interesting......they are driving up from down past Farmington. I am sure they are in for a bit of a culture shock, but it should be fun none the less. I am not a major fan of the group....awww, the things you do for the kids (even if they are not your own).
*Maybe I will get another tattoo while down in the loop. We all got our tattoos while in the loop over 10 yrs ago - me, my sister, my mother and my aunt. We all have a tattoo on our big toe - it sounds corny, but they are rather cute.