Random Thursday...

Getting ready to head out the door. The kids are ready to go!

'Me and Pyper this morning! SMILE. Photo by Rylan, who loves the camera

************************************************************************************* FLASH......this is Pyper before leaving in the morning. She WAS dressed - and when I turn my back, she is unclothed. Nudist in the making...

Yellow is BRIGHT....
My husband has had the last 3 days off work, and he decided to paint. He choose YELLOW and here are the results.

It was a nice bathroom blue, very soothing. He is very proud of himself, so I am going to tolerate it. Now, when I get up to get a show, I wear sunglasses. ;O)



Anonymous said…
Does the picture not do it justice? Otherwise I'm saying that I like it.....don't hate me.
Anonymous said…
Hey Beenie

I like the Bathroom, I think it looks good. I hope to see you this weekend if you are coming down. I am glad that you guys showed up for mothers day at the farm, it was good to see everyone and I know Grandma Shirley, Your mom, Aunt Deb & family, Uncle Mark & family, Jane & Tim all called and said what a good time and day it turn out to be.

Love Ya
Aunt Di.
I like the yellow bathroom. But then, I'm weird.
I'm glad the root canal went well!

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