Work News...

Okay so this may not really interest Anyone, other than myself.
But i got this email today.....

Dear Susan:
Michelle DePew, Director of Finance for the City of XXXXXXX, Missouri has been selected as the recipient of the 2008 AGFI Scholarship as provided through the Missouri State Chapter of GFOA.
It is my understanding that Michelle has already applied and has been accepted to attend this year's AGFI.
Please send the AGFI registration invoice to my attention and I will forward it to our MGFOA treasurer for payment.
I am sending to you via regular mail a copy of Michelle's scholarship application and award letter.

Okay, so this means I am a DORK -but I am an excited dork.
First, I had to apply for a national spot to even attend this event - I was accepted last month. That in itself was big news. I had to compete with private and public people. NATIONAL!

Then I found out that our state organization funds a scholarship (so I can go for FREE), and I was awarded the scholarship for this week long training program. They called to tell me that I was selected today. They had 25 applicants......YEAH.
I find it hard to believe that they actually choose me - the picking must have been slim or i was a really good with providing a line or two of b.s. Either way I am going.

*Downfall - it is for one full week and in Madison; but major plus - it is FREE, and great for


Anonymous said…
Congrats on everything!!! That is just awesome!
Daisy said…
Wow! Congrats! Madison is a great city for a conference. Enjoy!

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