
Showing posts from August, 2008

Thought of the day....

Thought for the day Handle every situation like a dog . If you can't Eat it or Screw it. Piss on it and Walk Away.


I have a long list of blogs in my favorites, I look at them everyday....okay, sometimes twice a day. Because there are days when I really need a distraction. Then while reading a blog, I glance over at 'their' blog roll - I figure these people must be reading some pretty witty stuff as well. Before I know it I am overwhelmed with trying to keep up with every one's lives or stories. It can be very overwhelming. And at the same time, very creepy. I feel as if I am peeping tom - peering in to a small window of these peoples lives. It is weird, I feel close to them without even knowing them. I feel bonded to them just by their words. I find that very weird, but addictive non-the-less. Then there is the whole process of writing your own blog. Well, for some it is a process. Apparently, people blog for an audience. I did not get that memo during blogger 101. Oh, that's right, I did not take blogger 101. I started this blog, for me...just little ol'me, and my...

Girls and Shoes...

Okay so it starts early. I mean really early. I was born with the 'i need shoes' gene. I don't need expensive shoes, but I do need alot of them. There are different colors of black, different styles etc. I could come home with 4 pairs of shoes all the 'same' color. *now we know they are not the same color, but my husband 'thinks' that black, is black, is black. Oh' on the contray. I correct him. You can get shiny black, flat black, dull black, worn black, scuff free black, black/gray etc. He walks away when I start with this nonsense. And with alot of shoes, you get alot of foot issues. Because I have been known to cram my foot into the narrow ends of the shoes, place ban-aids along the side of my toes (just in case), and wear shoes around my house for hours 'breaking them in' prior to actually attempting to wear them for an event. By all means crazy,I know. I have worn some strappy number that would have my piggy's bleeding a...

Sensible solutions?

This weekend 'we' attempted a few sensible solutions for our 'football' time issue. I made banana bread and zucchini bread. I know stand back, gasp and grab your chest. Let a small 'what?' escape your lips, I REALLY did bake bread . I found the 'easy' recipes from and whipped em' up. Who knew, it was not too bad and my kids really enjoyed helping. Pyper would stand next too the bowl saying 'I kook. I kook.' Then she would turn on the beater and let it lie on the table. *Even Lance said how good they were. I informed him that he should just stop right there, before he screwed up the compliment. He smiled and shoved his face full of bread. Normally, I burn anything I cook or forget an ingredient and most of my stuff turns out suckie. We are taking small strides and getting our kids involved. Plus, it put my almost rotten bananas to good use. Lance got on board with the idea of fixing some items a head of time. So her...

Note to hubby: Shut your pie hole!

Well, he did it again! We saw the Mayor over the weekend at a work function and my dear hubby made a fool out of me, and as usual he does not see anything wrong with what he said. That is it, I am NOT going to take him with me to any more functions. I am going to call my gay friend Jacob, I know he can behave like a normal human being. Well, maybe not too normal, but he can fake it for an hour or two. My work had a family picnic this past Friday, we closed City Hall at 3pm and kept the pool area open until 10pm. We were encouraged to bring our families for the activities. I left work, went home packed a cooler, the kids and the hubby. We arrived around 5pm, and settled into one of picnic tables. My son gathered with the other children and began playing with the balloons, my daughter found a little tent they had set up, and my husband made small talk with the random people he knew. While I chased Pyper around the pavilion, I see Lance speaking with the Mayor. They are in the cent...

In the rain?

Well, it is Friday, and all of my days seem to run together. I HATE it when that happens. I have had something to do every day/night this week, and it will roll into our weekend as well. It has gotten so bad that last night our son is in bed telling his father that 'I just want a day off. I want a down day to do nothing.' *his nothing is code: for play video games. But his words continue to ring in my head today. I too want a day off, a day take a breath and not rush around. I don't see any of those days in the near future. *sigh. Even when we schedule fun things to do, it is still a chore sticking to the schedule. Like this evening. Work is having an employee picnic; we all get off at 3pm rather than 4:30. They have opened the pool for employees and their families and they will feed us well. But in order to get there I have to run home, change, get my kids, pack them a few items (half the house), load up and return back to work. And after last night, our 4th day...

GenX ?

The office senior staff is swirling, our night meetings have turned into a circus and all 7 of our bosses are at odds. What does all of this mean, to break it all down - NOTHING is getting done. People are making decisions based on emotions rather than common sense. Here is alittle known fact, I work for a local city, I am a dept head for this little city. I am also 15 yrs younger than all other dept heads. Plus I am fairly attractive and have not been overcome by the flat bottom syndrome, and side bulge that seems to have taken over the bodies of the other female department heads. It is apparent that they have let themselves go, and they are not keen on the fact that I have not, nor do I plan too. I have heard snide comments about alot of my out-fits. Once I wore a tailored skirt, button up shirt and knee high boots - apparently they did not find the boots to be acceptable, and I was spoken too by the City Admin. The Mayor (who is OLD) also finds some of my attire a bit testy. I ...

From the weekend...

This weekend we spent at home. We did not run around like chickens with our heads cut off, we actually laid pretty low, and it was nice. While on the back porch relaxing Rylan and I have the following conversation: Rylan 'Hey mom.' Me ' yeah. R - 'Was I a good baby, like you?' Me - I ponder this for a moment. He was not a good baby, he cried alot - but he had issues. 'You were as good as you could be given your clefting.' R - 'Yeah, I bet I was pretty good. And I bet you talked alot as a kid'. And with that he was done, and walked away. I sat there mouth wide open, wanting to talk more. Imagine that!!! This week is super busy at our home, and work current sucks. I have to admit I 'tired' of this particular job, and am seriously thinking about looking. It is hard to have 6 bosses, and hard to meander thru the egos, emotions and junk they find important. As a side note, Pyper pooped on my couch. Regression in the works. That chil...!

Oh MY GOD football has thrown my family into a fit these days. The past two weeks we have had 6 hours of practice a week. We meet three days a week for two hours at a time 6-8pm. Our normal routine cannot stay in place. Try telling that to my husband. We have fought every night of practice this week. WHY? Because he refuses to give up his routine. I am about to lose my mind. I about to sock him, I am about have a knock out - drag-out fight with this man. I looked at him last night, on the way to practice and said 'this is not fun. No one in our family is having fun with this, and I am ready for it to stop.' His response to me' then maybe you should just stay home.' *mind you all the while Pyper is in the back seat crying (about god knows what?), Rylan has fallen asleep (because he is TIRED), and we are fighting. I was too livid to even respond. I shot him the hairy-eyeball, gave him the shoulder shrug and let him know we would talk later. *******************************...

House Guest...

Well, we have a new house guest. My sister has gone to Arkansas for the week and left her dog with us. Sydney has made herself more than comfortable at our humble abode. My children are enamored with her. Last night after football practice Lance laid of the floor with her and tried to use her as pillow. He quickly got up when she passed gas (ha!). It has been a long time since we have had dog farts, and dear god they can clear a room. It is nice to have a dog in our home again, I 'think' my husband will get dog fever after Sydney goes home and perhaps let us get a new one. Our family has been sad since the death of our last dog last Christmas. Like most people our dogs are not our pet's, they are part of our family. And when we lost Henry we lost a major part of our family. Well, it appears as if the presence of Sydney has helped us get over our sadness , and realize how much our family would enjoy the presence of a dog again. (keep our fingers crossed). T...

Two events - one day??

Okay so we have two events on the same day on a weekend in Sept, both events require that we RSVP (soon). One is a wedding (which we should attend) and one is a float trip (that I TOTALLY want to go on). Last night Lance totally nixed the float trip, due to the fact that we got the wedding invitation. His step-niece is getting married and he wants to go. It is not that I don't want to go, but I would rather go floating. I have yet to remove my RSVP from the float trip.....I keep hoping I can finagle a way to go floating and skip the wedding. Is that bad? Perhaps. But this is how wedding go, especially if Lance wants to attend. Option 1: The kids show up for the dinner and two dances. If I don't find the sitter than I will take them back home and sit with them until I need to go pick Lance up and drive him home. Option 2: I find a sitter prior to the event, and let them come to the dinner / 2 dances. The bring them to the sitter. Either way Lance will need a ride home an...

Keep going.......

That motto keeps ringing in my mind these days.... Get out of bed - keep going Go to work - keep going Get up in the middle of the night - keep going Go to Football practice - keep going Get 7 yr old braces - keep going Chiropractor wants you to agree to pay $1,000 up front - keep going (out the door). I am about out of steam these days. I am grateful for my job, my family and my life. But DAMN I feel stretched. I have a suite case that has not been unpacked since my NYC trip, which I took in JULY. My suite case from Madison sits in the floor, on top of my NYC suite case. I have no idea what is in our fridge, what we need or when we will have time to go and get it. We replaced our vacuum only to have our washer making a funny noise. It does not sound too healthy, but I am going to push it until it dies. Gas has fallen to $3.55 and my husband is singing the happy go lucky song. Are you kidding me? Wouldn't we prefer to see gas under $2.00. It is a sad day when were are happy for $3....

Team Sports...

Well, it is official, my son is going to play football. It is SO official. How come? He was able to buy his first cup. *giggle, giggle Saturday we stand in line, to pick up his equipment. And by 'we', I mean all of us. We get issued a helmet, shoulder pads, leg pads and pants. I figured we were done. They did not issue a uniform list. You know a list of must have items, therefore in my female mind I figured we were done. In the car on the way to the country the conversation between father & son. *note son has put on his foot ball pants and decides to ride in them. Son - "Hey, dad..that was pretty cool. uh.' Dad - 'Yeah, bud you have most of your stuff to get ready to play.' Son - ' Yeah, I need cleats and a cup'. * mom suddenly looks cross-eyed. WTF? I am thinking a 'water cup' - not a protection cup. Dear god, he is ONLY 7. Dad - ' right on. We will go Monday and pick up your shoes, a cup and a mouth piece. Son - sits back and smiles....