Here is the headline in my house - Happily Married Man, found with a swimsuit mag. crammed down his throat. :) For the last 3 years I have had swimsuit issues. Year 1, I was pregnant, Year 2 - just had a baby, Year 3 - this is year 3 and still carrying and extra 10lbs. Don't get me wrong I had swimsuit issues prior to having kids, but my issues have gotten worse with each passing year. This year has been no different. I ordered 3 suits and they arrived in the mail. I tried them on last week and allowed Lance to voice his opinion. Mind you, all 3 suits are now are their way back to the respective vendors. We are back at square one. So last night, while Pyper is in the bathtub, I continue my search for the 'perfect' suit. I am flipping thru the pages, torn over whether or not to attempt a 2 piece. Whatever suit is chosen must contain padding - these boobs are sad these days. So sad that Lance has asked me 3 times now if I want a boob job. The answer is no. I don...
My heart is heavy, my emotions are on overload. Will this EVER stop? Yesterday, I spoke with an employment law attorney. Today, I spoke with the EEOC to file a complaint. This afternoon, I am being spoken to by some upper mngt , so they can provide me with the level of discipline action that has been set in place. um.... Discipline for what? We will soon find out. Funny how when the meeting happened to discuss 'me' I was not allowed to attend. Funny how when a male counter part was spoken too and disciplined, he was allowed to attend, speak and defend himself. Funny how a special meeting was held off site in order to speak with a another male counter part in order to discuss with him how inappropriate his language was towards women during his senior staff meetings. The held the special meeting in order to avoid having an open discussion. Funny how is am being disciplined less than 60 days after a formal complaint was filed against one of the men speaking to me today. Which ...
Last night I was restless, sleepless, and down right amped up over the series of events at work. I tried to sleep, I laid down, closed my eyes - but my mind would not shut off. I could not get the damn thing to calm down, shut down. I kept going over situations, scenarios and possible letters I was going to write. I had it all planned out on my way into work. I was going to stand my ground, call a meeting with my boss and explain how in appropriate his actions were yesterday. God must have been shining down on me, because prior to making my way to his office, I glanced at my approved job duties and low and behold I don't need his approval or endorsement to issue the budget. He was totally off base yesterday and I had it in writing. Not to mention that the mayor put him in his place thru out the day yesterday. This only supported my cause, which is good for me. Not to mention it gave me another level of confidence. My goal today was to stand up to this man AGAIN. So, I square...