FHM and a 6 yr old.

Rylan ' I am looking at the girls'.
So, one books is open and the other book has been marked a half naked girl. *UGH!!!
I tell him' you know these are adults books, for daddy only, and you have little boy books which you read.' *okay, I am grasping....welcome to winging it. I kiss him goodnight and move on.
I march up stairs, magazines in hand and drop them on Lance, who is laying on the couch. He gives me the 'what' look. I state ' YOUR son had these hid under his bed'.
Lance half smiles, almost proud. Lance 'did he say why?'
Me 'he said he was looking at the girls'.
Lance 'well, at least he was not looking at the boys.' ha. ha.
Me - 'you need to have a man to boy conversation with him. On an elementary level- nothing too detail. Plus you need to clean out your bathroom and throw these away.'
Lance crinkles his nose ' we will talk and I will clean the bathroom.' *For some reason I am not totally convinced that he will clean his bathroom. This child is 6 going on 7 - the interest in girls seems EARLY to me.
We do not watch adult TV at our house, our favorite channels are Disney, Nickelodeon and discovery. Dirty jobs, food network and dinosaurs. So is this typical or do I have a nympho on my hands? I called my mother and my sister today to inform them what happened. They seemed understanding and half giggled.
I called them because I have 6 nieces that range from 12 to 4. We see them on a regular basis (weekly) our kids bathe together, swim etc. I want them to know he is becoming 'interested', still innocent, so please don't take that away.
But he knows that boys and girls have different parts and now he wants to know more. UGH. It is not time for the sex conversation, but it is time to let the boys not necessary see the girls naked.
It was more of an awareness conversation. ugh.
So damn you FHM for stitting in our bathroom and peaking my son's interest. And damn society for shoving sex and interest down our throats.......
And damn me for being so naive that my son still had a few years. And damn my hubby for being proud that my son is not showing gay tendencies.
*Not that we thought he would, but it seems to have been my husbands worst fear, now he can rest easy.
Did I mention everyone in my home was up from 3:30 to 4:30 last night.
Will we ever get to sleep all night? Anyone wanna trade spots?