
My life seems like one big waiting game....
I am ALWAYS waiting...
Waiting for Pyper to stop screaming.
Waiting for the person in line to order and get the hell out of my way.
Waiting for my allegery med's to kick in - they are taking too damn long.
Waiting for New Years Eve - I will be here with my sister http://www.joedirt.net/tourdates.html
Waiting for Lance to pick me up for lunch because I am starving.........

Perhaps my next post will be Bitchy -
Bitchy because I can be.
Bitchy because my head hurts
Bitchy because I am at work and don't want to be.....

Or perhaps I should be less dramatic like - I am so thankful for....
on second thought no. I am sticking with waiting and bitchy today. Screw the sunshine and carebears. I will try for happy thoughts tomorrow.


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