Sunny side up

So this weekend Lance and I worked at the Arnold Eagles Lodge in honor of Wilson C. Clay - a 4 yr old kid that has recently been diagnosed with Leukemia. The benefit raised an amazing $26,000 - wow! It started out really small, then before we knew it the donations starting flowing in and it became HUGE. Well, huge in terms of anything I could have put together.
They had alot of things donated such as, 4-wheelers, cruises (2), cardinals tickets, autograph baseballs, footballs, booze, Avon, Mary Kay, gift cards from a lot of local rest., and several people made personal donations.
I have not personally met Wilson, nor had I met his parents before that night. But his Aunt keeps my kids (she is our sitter), and we came out to support her and her family. Lance and I sat there in amazement at the 'good' in people.
We all have alot going on, we all have alot of issues, and alot of strain in our daily lives. And somehow among it all 'we' found a way to rally around this family. It was amazing to be a part of, the family was more than grateful, they were overwhelmed by the support of strangers. The money raised will put a small dent in the mounting medical bills, and for one night the parents were able to put their stress aside.
Lance and I have a great time, working this benefit, mingling with people and feeling good about being able to help a family in need.

Lance turns 35 tomorrow, we are going to go to dinner tonight with the kids in an effort help him celebrate. That should be interesting - for the most part I have banned Pyper from going into public. She is banned for two reasons,
1) She is two and terrible!
2) She has issues these days with keeping her clothes on - mainly her shirt. ugh.

Rylan has managed to get thru his principal issue intact. He moved seats, and said yesterday that him and Trevor were 'speaking' again. The principal has not called, nor do I expect a call anytime soon. Rylan continues to thrive in school, and is looking forward to summer. He is signing up for football. Dear god, football at 7...that seems really early to me.
I didn't mind soccer, all he did was run around. But football makes my head hurt, they are expected to be really physical and I am not sure how i will react to that.
Let me just tell you, as he played soccer, I personally ran up and down the field (w/ Pyper in tow) watching Rylan. I fear I may be on the field trying to baby him everytime someone 'hits' him. * Lance told me I should just stay home. (ha!).

I am still taking my med's and feeling better with each day. I am SO glad the sun has decided to show up for a bit. The weekend was great for my attitude. The kids and I are walking every night we can. Actually , Rylan rides his bike and Pyper spends most of her time being carried by me. I am so glad to be back outside and walking again....I really did miss it.

Tomorrow I will post about Dear Hubby turning 35...who knows what that will be like, so stay tuned. He got baseball tickets three weeks ago as an early bday present - he is going to 4 games this year, including the Mets game. It is exactly what he wanted, and now I am thru with Bdays for a while - whew.


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