At the Park....

So this past weekend we made our way down to the Soulard Market. My sister met us with her 4 kids as well.
From the top -
Grant, the blonde hair little boy...who at 2 yrs old is not so little. He is shy at times, but don't be fooled - he is rowdy, rough and tumble. The other day he looked at me and said ' I wike u.' My heart melted, we are making strides.

August, who is 3 right now, but will be 4 in May. She is my sisters challenging personality. She is as chatty and as stubborn as they come. She also seems to be the most independent of all of the kids.

Paige (Adrienne), the oldest of the four children. She a little mamma in the making. Although she did beg her mother not to have any more children after they had August -ha! She is sassy at almost 9 yrs old. She is witty, smart and at times shy until she feels comfortable. She is the most comfortable around her siblings and cousins. She is NOT boy crazy, but loves Hannah Montana - can you tell. We love the hat.

Payton (Alexandria), she is 6 and in the first grade. She is boy crazy, has a soft smile that will melt your heart, and is built like me and my sister. She is the most like my sister out of all of her kids. My sister looked just like her as a child. Payton, is the lovely kid and has a laugh that will make you smile in a moments notice.

*These children have my heart, and we love to have them around.

Here is Rylan hanging out at the park.

And Pyper playing on in the tube. I love to see my kids smile.

Here is Pyper eating an orange on the patio. Fresh fruit and veggies are a must when we visit the Market.

This is Rylan hanging out by the playground. In his new hat from the Market.

This is glimpse into a typical spring / summer saturday for us.....


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