*My grandmother send me this cartoon above. Enjoy!!
I was at the polls at 7:30 am voting. I am disappointed to report that the polls were less than busy. I walked right in and right out......I was not late to work, I did not get to chit-chat with other voters. Where is everybody?
Hello out there- we are allowed the opportunity to encourage CHANGE.
It is time for a CHANGE.
Democrate, Republican - I don't care.
Where are you?
Let your voice be heard.
I took Rylan with me to vote today. The process was painless, and in Jeff Co, it was a fill in the little circle process. Sort of like taking a test, only this one easy. No wrong answer.
People in other countries struggle to get the chance to make a change. I stood next to my car, after voting, and thanked god I got the chance to be a part of the process.
I thanked god that I get the chance to stand next to my car, as a women without having to cover up my face & body.
Smell the air, do you smell that - that is CHANGE! Go be a part of the process, go be a part of history.
Here is a poll from USA today http://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/election2008/candidate-match-game.htm, if you want to know which canidate is fighing for your personal opnions. Thanks to a buns life http://bunslife.blogspot.com/ for putting up the link yesterday. Get informed and get your arse out to the polls.
BTW - your employeer MUST allow you time to go vote.
When you say "Jeff Co" do you mean Jefferson County, Missouri? Just wondering...