Anyone home? (at 3:30 in the morning???)

As usual when we go out, we had the buddy system. If one girls leaves, we both leave - it does not matter where or when. We skip to the bathroom, holding hands and smiling.

Here we are in the Bottle Neck Blues Bar. L-R (Misty (sister), Me, Rachel and Angie). We are ready to have an adult good time and SO glad we do not have to drive.
I am puker, it is a known fact. My husband would have expected nothing less. And Rachel, also knows that I am a pucker. So at midnight, after my second shot of god knows what, I had to excuse myself. Hand in hand Rachel and I made our way to our hotel room, and like a great friend, she held my hair while I was folded over the toilet. Then I made my way into my PJ's and found a soft bed. I was out from midnight until 4:30 am.
Rachel being the good friend that she is had to document the night.

Between midnight and 4:30 am, Rachel stayed in the room with me. We had a cooler full of drinks, so she occupied her time with a few adult beverages. Misty and Angie came in around 2am, and then went to gamble. Joey and Scott came in to check on us, and then Joey left and Scott stayed. Scott, a 26 yr old single guy, spent his time hitting on Rachel. Rachel told him to shove it, and continued drinking. Drink, after drink after drink......
Someone told Rachel that Misty and Angie left, as in left the building to drive and go home. Rachel decided that she needed to 'find' them. She found MY cell phone and started scrolling thru the list of names in an attempt to get someone to help her find my sister.
It appears that she also thought she lost me, mind you I was 20 ft away from her snuggled in the bed.
She called Lance - who didn't get the home phone.
She called my mother (3 times), and left her a v/m. The v/m went something like this ' Denise, I am the room looking for Michelle and Misty. Michelle is lost and Misty is headed home.'
She called a person in my phone under the name 'Chris' - I find out she thought Chris might be a boy, so she called him. Chris, is the lady in my office - who works for me. She called Chris three times as well.
*She continued to scroll thru my phone and found the name Chief. She 'thought' multiple things when she saw this name:
One, perhaps it is the guy from Black River we all refer to as Chief.
Two, it is a cooky name in my phone for my Dad (note my father is listed under 'dad').
Three, she calls it at 4am and it is the Chief of police for the city I work for. Yes ladies and gentlemen my drunk friend called the Chief of police to let him know that I was missing and my sister may be driving home. OMG!!!
This is about the time I wake up. I hear Rachel telling Misty, who just walked in the door that she was on the phone with the Chief. Misty is laughing and I am swimming and trying to wrap my head around the what is going on.
I begin to yell at Rachel, for having my phone, and then for scrolling thru it calling people. I should have known better than to yell at a drunk person....she replies with don't yell at my it is no worse than your hubby calling the mayor a cocksucker. You will get over it.
Rachel is glad that everyone is back, and now she decides to entertain us for about an hour. Scott is passed out on the couch, and Rachel decides to rub her butt in his face claiming 'you wanted this, and you ain't gonna' get any.' This sends all of us into hysterics. She continues to entertain us with her shenanigans for the next 45 minutes.
We wake up around 9am, because Rachel's hubby was calling her. We make our way down to get some coffee and gamble for about an hour. While we are gambling my mother decides to phone me. I elbow Rachel ' damn, it is my mom - WHAT did you say to her??'
Rachel ' I don't know??'
I open the phone and meekly state 'uh, hi - mom.'
Mom ' glad to see you are okay. I am so proud of Rachel for being the good little mama and looking out for you girls.'
By now I am elbowing Rachel and rolling my eyes. Letting her know that my mother THINKS she did a good job. Oh MY Gosh....are you kidding me. Rachel appreciates the kuddo's and we giggle about the nights events. I win $30.00 on a machine I don't know how to play and we wrap it up.
I had a great time out with these girls, I laughed so hard I cried. I had to do MAJOR damage control on Monday, because Rachel called alot of people - ha!!!
Next time, word for the wise - hide your phone.