Ahhh, the river.

The boys set up a tent to camp. The girls spent the night at my mom's. *Maybe next year, I will try to camp with Pyper.

Lance cooling off. With the help of Pyper.

Words not needed! The kids LOVED it!

Poor tadpoles. Pyper squished one of them, she is still learning how to be 'soft'. We did 'round up crawfish, tadpoles and small fish to bring back to my dad's pond. Happy Father's day....on the cheap side.
We had a great weekend at the river. My kids are totally worn out - they are still trying to recover. Sleeping like rocks for the last two nights. *Happy to report no one got sun-burnt.
One more thing, if you get time - head over to 'little bald doctors' the mom is feeling down and could use some words of encouragement. http://littlebalddoctors.wordpress.com/


Anonymous said…
I love days on a river! There's nothing better than a few tadpoles, a few drinks, some splashes, and the cool water.

Thanks for the link to me. You're very sweet.

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