Random Thursday..

Last night Rylan stayed at a friends house, so we had Pyper. We went to a local Mexican rest, Pyper hammed it up with some unknown locals. I tell her it is time to go, (she is standing next to table of two couples) she kisses each one of them good-bye. This child does not know a stranger - I almost fell over.
Drove to Costco last night to pick-up 4lbs of shrimp for Fathers's Day. They do not get the delivery until Friday -GRRRRR!
Picked up wine instead. (smile).
This lady at work is about to get 'whacked' up side the head. She is a Secretary, and she finds it necessary to tell me how to do my JOB. How does one 'politely' tell her to shut her PIE hole? Perhaps I could stuff it donuts?
I broke down this morning and bought a coffee at Starbucks. It was GREAT!!!
Any ideas what to get o'l hubby for Fathers Day (on the cheap side?).
Already, this week I have seen my OB and the dentist. I hate normal 'women' maintenance appointments. And when did the medical world decided that a women needed a mammogram starting at 30? I thought it was 40(ish)......
BTW, nothing worse than your OB, doing the exam - and wanting to have small talk.
We have a 26 yr old officer at work who has cancer (testicular, stomach, liver) - he was just in the office. He looks good, his spirits are high and he finished his last cycle today. The whole city is rallying around this guy.........
26-year old: WOW.
father's day: buy these photo coaster thingies at Michaels ($10)
then go to cvs/walgreens, print 4x6 pics, put a big thick border around them, cut them to the coaster size, tie with a bow.
Prints will only cost you less than $.30.