
Monday night hubby and I went to the ball-game w/ clients.
He was well-behaved - for the most part. We arrived in our Cardinal attire, and the people who invited us were still in their work attire.
um....really? At a cards game? The man in front of me had a suit on - we had on jeans, t-shirts and flip-flops. We left at the top of the 8th - because we were going to beat their pants off.
We left the ball park and made our way to the Broad-Way Oyster Barr.
We had a bucket of alligator tails and a grinder - yum..
If you have never been, I highly recommend it. They had live music on the patio, and we could have stayed all night.
There were several shirners in the house, and they were dancing their old butts off - they were a really good time. I smiled, laughed and really enjoyed myself. We had to pry ourselves from the environment, reminding ourselves that we still had to drive home, get our kids and get up the next day.
Lance has our normal seats for tonight game (right on the 3rd base line). He said Monday night, 'our section is better this this section, because in our section they are Cardinals FANS. Here, they are a bunch of suits and ties.' Lance will shout, clap, chant, wave and curse if necessary.
He also has tickets to Sunday's game. He is quite the busy beaver this week, and you can tell by the smile across his face that he is stoked!
I don't really care for the game, or to go to the game. I went Monday night, because we were invited - and it was work related. Otherwise, I send Lance and he takes family or friends.
But while we were down town, I was reminded why I loved it so much. The street vendors, the people, the buildings, the traffic. ahhh.
Highlight - I am off work tomorrow. I am getting my hair done at 10 am - it is TIME to get some prof help. Then, me and kids will wing it.
We are suppose to go boating with another family on Friday for the 4th - but I fear it may rain. We are flexible, so no big deal. Saturday, we have a bbq at a friends house. Sunday, Lance has the game and I will relax w/ the kids.
I will post photos randomly over the weekend.....but in another 3 hours I am outta here!!
Happy 4th of July.


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